Saturday, August 31, 2019
Boston Beer Company Essay
1. Evaluate the attractiveness of the craft beer segment relative to the market space occupied by the traditional â€Å"Big Three†. (tip: use the Five Forces framework). a. High Threat of new competition: over 600 of specialty beer companies were founded over the past five years, approximately 40% growth each years. In addition, the existence of contract brewing companies lead to low entry cost. b. High substitution: The attractiveness of craft brewing industry are majorly based on unique styles and flavors of beer. there are many different brands and styles of beer so the actual threat of substitutes is high. c. The intensity of competitive rivalry is also high: while there is a major growth of new entry, the market size shows little growth. This creates tremendous competitive pressures among the industry. d. Bargaining power of buyers: Switching cost for buyers are low, as there are many different substitution and options. companies has to consistently maintain high quality in order to retain customers. e. Bargaining power of suppliers: switching cost for suppliers are high for the traditional Big Three, as their supplies are tied to their own brewies. Craft brewing companies has the option of switch breweries in a relatively low cost, as the suppliers know they have options to supply other breweries. This allows them to charge higher prices than the big three. 2. Evaluate Boston Beer’s business model relative to Redhook and Pete’s, comparing their business models with respect to specific activities such as procurement, brewing, distribution, and marketing. BBC’s strategy of producing the highest quality of products, the company pursued four initiatives: high quality standards, contract brewing, intensive sales and marketing, and product line innovations. Unlike BBC and Pete’s, redhook relies on its own breweries. Redhook also established a strategic alliance with Anheuser-Busch whereby Redhook products were sold through the nation-wide network of 700 distributorships in exchange for a 25% equity stake in the company. Similar to BBC, Pete’s operates on a contract brewing basis and stress heavily on marketing. In retrospect, BBC intended to remain a contract brewer exclusively, capitalizing on lower overhead and transportation costs while continuing to invest heavily in its branded products. Redhook believed that its long-term growth and profitability were best served by assembling the largest company-owned production capacity of any domestic craft brewer, guaranteeing production capacity in more than one geographic region of the United States. Redhook also made a substantial investment in distribution, gaining access to Anheuser Busch’s nation-wide network of resellers. Pete’s, on the other hand, appeared to be following a combination of these two strategies by producing its products at both company-owned and third-party breweries. 3. How realistic analysts’ long-term growth forecasts (25% to 40% for the craft-brewing segment)? Based on the porter five forces analysis, the craft brewing segment has many advantages over the traditional big three, which explains the 40% growth rate. However the large number of new entries companies has already created a tremendous amount of competitions among its own, which retard the long term growth in my opinion and makes the forecasts of 25% to 40% seem unrealistic. 4. What do you recommend to Boston Beer? a. While the US market size remains somewhat stable. By exporting globally, will introduce BBC to new markets and additional sales b. Forming strategic alliance will help combat the increasing competition among industries.
My Personal Philosophy of Education
My philosophy of education are the types that are known as progressivism and existentialism. I believe that for me a combination of the two is a perfect way to teach. Progressivism is ideal because the teacher gives the student a say in what they can do within the classroom. It is a hands on system of working. I believe that students can learn very well if they do activities themselves. Learning about how to do something and actually getting to do it are two extremely different things. Existentialism is also ideal because this method of teaching allows children to confront his or her freedom. Children need a sense of freedom in making decisions about school work. I believe that if progressivism and extentialism are combined children can carry out hands on tasks while at the same time making an independent understanding of a particular concept. If a child learns hands on how to do something they will find it quite meaningful, and will be able to relate it more to veryday life. School work can become meaningful if a child independently understands what is being taught. Then, children will look forward to leaning and will be more comfortable learning from their teacher. I am looking forward to becoming a teacher. As a teacher of elementary students I will always hold high expectations of my students. I hope to find that children love to learn and also look forward to learning. However, I do understand that some students are not willing to this. I will ind this a challenge for me which I ma capable of handling I hope to always have students involved in what is being taught. I will do this by having hands on activities as well as independent activities. I will use fun methods and ideas to get children involved in the lesson. If a child is having fun this will enable the student to get a better understanding of a particular lesson. All in all, I want my students to have an understanding of the lesson while at the same time having fun!
Friday, August 30, 2019
Is human development different from economic development?
our site – HRM DISSERTATION EXAMPLE – CUSTOM ESSAY WRITING Abstract Can the concepts of human and economic development be separatedThis study assesses the value of each development type independently and then together. The evidence presented illustrate the fact the human and economic development share elements, yet are different aspects of civilization. This essay will be of value to any researcher studying this development. 1 Introduction Can the process of economic and human development be separatedThis essay will assess to what degree to the two concepts can be differentiated. Beginning with an overview of human development and economic development will create a defining point from which to begin. Following this section with an overview of literature that illustrates the position and process behind each of these concepts will enable a demonstration of impact. The combination of the first sections of the paper will enable a reasonable assessment of the nature of both systems. In the end, this essay will have considered past definitions, modern practice and future potential of both human and economic development with the stated goal of determining the degree of difference that is present between them. 2 Human Development versus Economic Development2.1 Human DevelopmentSen (1999) defines human development as an expansion of capacity that has the potential to improve human lives. This theory illustrates the benefits that can be created by measuring capabilities of the population. Development is the capacity to overcome issues in life that might include ill health, illiteracy or political or civil freedoms (Sen 1999). Concerned with the dual aspects of people and development this approach consistently utilizes key human components as signal posts for progress and increased accuracy of public policy. Alkire (2005:32) contends that human capabilities are what people can actually do and be in life. Utilizing a pattern of comparison, this vision touches on the capacity to compare cultures and determine the best overall means of fostering and enhancing these basic human capabilities.2.2 Economic DevelopmentEconomic development is the not the concept of the quantity or use of utility but a s a measure of the potential expansion of valuable capacities (Alkire 2005). Others describe economic development as the potential for continued business centred expansion (Sen 1999) illustrates that governments have utilized the denial of basic human need and rights as a means to spur rapid economic development. This approach directly ties the perception of the population to the ability for the economy to function and grow. Economic development is tied to a multi-tiered influences that include underlying security concerns (Sen 1999). A fundamental approach taken illustrates that the economic development of any given region is founded on the process available and the opportunities for the population to accomplish the intended goals.2.3 Human Development and Economic DevelopmentWith the increase in technology and development potential there has been an increase in the need to promote both economic and human development (Fukuda Parr 2011). Modern instrument including the Sen (1999) ba sed Human Development Reports tie the state and capacity of the population to the effectiveness of any development options. Further Fukuda Parr (2011) contend that the alteration or state of politics has a direct impact on the manner in which a population influences the overall state of development. Nussbaum (2011) ties the concept of basic human rights to the capabilities of a population. This argument illustrates that the basic ideals of social justice and human rights are embodied within a government, which in turn provides development opportunities for the population. Further, the concept of capabilities is directly complementary to the notion of human rights and the need to make each citizen equal under the law (Nussbaum 2011). It is the instrument of human rights that has the capability to drive a nation into the next era of development. Sen (1999) argues that a determination of population capabilities will lead to the manner in which to implement positive change. This approach emphasizes that the condition and opportunities available to the population will have a direct impact on the overall economic development. The lack of opportunity or resources creates a form of deprivation which is detrimental to the associated development process (Sen 1999). Using famine as a teach ing tool, this approach clearly outlines the potential available by highlighting the positive aspects of the civilian population. With the absence of freedom and action and the lack of nourishment, the capacity for the farmers to develop was curtailed, thereby impacting the entire region (Sen 1999). This concept uses the creation or absence of the means to accomplish a task as a measurement of true capability. Simply because the United States citizen has the right to vote, lacking the means to get there or read the literature, will still fail to vote (Sen 1999). This is based on the person’s capabilities, which can then in turn be interpreted in a policy form in order to enhance the operation of the governing body. The Human Development Index, or HDI, was created in order to ascertain the population position of development when compared to other nations (Sen 1999). This gauge was created in order to gauge how development issues impacted a national policy picture. This concept sought to move away from the revenue centered concept to a people and skill oriented system based on capabilities (Sen 1999). With several different elements that differentiated social opportunity the system created an accurate illustration of the possibilities. The HDI system is based on the three separate elements including life expectancy, or the rate of recorded health of the local population , the element of education has the potential to impact development at every level, and finally the basic standard of living (Sen 1999). In each case the perception of positive or negative development is based on the foundation of civilian capability. Robeyns (2006) cites the capabilities system as gaining in use over the course of the past generation due to the perception of realistic components. The core of this argument revolves around a person’s ability to function, such as their state of being. This argument directly links the capacity of the human development with the overall economic development (Robeyns 2006). This argument contends that the development of any economy is based on the capabilities of their workforce. Ranis (2011), however, argued that the scope of the created capabilities paradigm is short and lacking in fundamental depth. This argument contends that there are substantially more than three areas that must be considered in order to accurately gauge the interplay between economic and human development (Ranis 2011). Utilizing this approach to human development incorporates over 31 separate categories that must be assessed in order to determine the rate of development. Alkire (2002) illustrates the any attempt to gauge either human development or economic development is intimately intertwined. From a philosophical perspective, the separation of one from the other would make the ability to illustrate an accurate culture picture incomplete. The aspect of human development touches on every element of economic development (Alkire 2002). Every element from the amount of money spent to the products consumed as well as the associated capability to sustain this consumption is critical to any economic development. The Sen (1999) capability approach defines poverty as the lack of capabilities or freedoms that have value or give the citizens cause to value. A bleak economic outlook can cause a substantial impact to associated human development, in that services including health care, education and food and water may be restricted or denied (Alkire 2007). This form of economic impact can serve to create a cycle of destruction that will stifle any form of devel opment. 3 Conclusion Can the process of economic and human development be separatedThis essay has assessed what degree to the two concepts can be differentiated and produced several interesting concepts. The presented evidence clearly illustrates that both economic and human development is closely related and share many elements. Economic development is dependent on the capabilities of the population and human development is based on the presence of resources and opportunity that the economy creates. Economic development is deeply and fundamentally impacted by a populations education and related social structures in order to thrive. This is continued indication of the close companionship that exists between both concepts. Further, lacking a solid economy, the population’s opportunity to achieve a better foundation is weakened, adding to any perceived economic difficulty. The lack of these basic elements can lead to long term poverty which can in turn lead to long term economic failure. On a philosophical note, the ability to assist those that need help through policy or programs only enhances the social infrastructure, which will in turn build a better economy. In the end, while the concepts of human and economic development are separate concerns, their shared elements make this a critical issue to address for each one. It will be the recognition of this fact on a global scale that will lead to the human development opportunities of the next era. 4 References Alkire, S. 2005. Valuing freedoms. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Alkire, S. 2002. Dimensions of human development. World development, 30 (2), pp. 181–205. Alkire, S. 2007. Choosing dimensions: The capability approach and multidimensional poverty.Chronic Poverty Research Centre Working Paper, (88). Fukuda-Parr, S. 2003. The human development paradigm: operationalizing Sen.’s ideas on capabilities. Feminist Economics, 9 (2-3), pp. 301–317. Nussbaum, M. C. 2011. Capabilities, entitlements, rights: supplementation and critique. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 12 (1), pp. 23–37. Ranis, G., Stewart, F. and Samman, E. 2006. Human development: beyond the human development index. Journal of Human Development, 7 (3), pp. 323–358. Robeyns, I. 2006. The capability approach in practice*. Journal of Political Philosophy, 14 (3), pp. 351–376. Sen, A. 1999. Development as freedom. New York: Knopf.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Are We Too Dependent on the Computer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Are We Too Dependent on the Computer - Essay Example One of the major advantages of computers can be identified as its assistance to perform the data entry process quicker and accurate at the same time. Storing a document in a computer does not take much space being organized in a systematic manner and, thus, the user can store a large number of files avoiding chaos while searching for a particular one. It further helps the user to automate a variety of tasks that the user cannot perform manually at a rapid pace along with accuracy (Hefner 21-39). Importance of computers has also increased astonishingly in the present phenomenon owing to the usage of internet to convey information through a systematic way of computer networks irrespective of the geographical distance, as well as engaging minimal costs. Internet is further identified to be used by various professionals ranging from healthcare service providers to defense forces around the world operating in terms of an information hub which, in turn, encourages the usage of computers in various economic sectors. Social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace, have emerged as an inevitable trend in the modern phenomenon which again explores the significance or rather the inclusion of computers in the modern day human society. Along with accumulating the required information, one can even shop online, thereby increasing the role of computers in the day to day lifestyle (Hefner 21-39). Even robots are often regarded to have emerged as an inseparable part of the modern human society. It is in this context that robots can be identified to play a major role in contributing to the overall efficiency of medical sciences and even defense oriented sectors. Other than these sectors, the robots have further emerged as a vital player in the field of astronomy as well. From a generalized point of view, almost in every technology based sectors, such as household appliance manufacturers, automobile manufacturers, agricultural sectors, construction business proces ses, as well as communication segments, the inclusion of computers and robotics are evident. During the process or innovation, measurement or evaluation and even during the execution of developmental process, computer technology plays a vital role (Chen, Minodora and Gligorescu 49-52). This particular phenomenon often tends to exhibit a situation where critiques perceive that human society is increasingly becoming dependent on computers to execute its daily functions. Nowadays, the world is increasingly getting indulged with the use of computers; however, from an in-depth point of view, it can be examined that mankind is yet not completely dependent upon computers. In favor of this argument, it can be noted that there is a number of works that computers lack in performing as efficiently as human beings such as understanding the psychological framework of the human behavior in a particular individual through observation. As computers are currently indulged in most of the sectors, inc luding medical sciences, hospitality and educational departments among others, it can indeed be regarded as a very essential tool to encourage the progress of human society at large. However, for example, in the educational sector, where information and knowledge are required in abundance, studies are to be conducted by the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Collective Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Collective Security - Essay Example It was to be an organization that would use peaceful negotiation to maintain international peace and security. Moreover, it would be an organization where all member states would be bound by the belief that all acts of "aggression and war are crimes against humanity" (Harney), and nations would therefore consider it their duty to desist from and prevent aggression. After any major conflict, prevention of future conflicts is always high on the agenda. To this end, the "favorite technique is to institute measures of co-operation and consultationwith a view to preventing war by moderating and restraining the free-for-all operation of the international anarchy" (Buzan, 163). Thus the setting up of the League of Nations, [and later the United Nations] was a paradigm shift from a policy of national defence to one of collective security. However, the League of Nations failed to achieve its goal of securing international peace and security, amply proven by the fact that the world was at war again within twenty years of its formation. Nevertheless, the failure of League of Nations cannot be called a failure of the idea of collective security. It was more a failure of political will amongst nations to look beyond their own short-term gains in order to make collective security a workable proposition. According to Meg Harney, "While an excellent idea in theory, the League met with repeated problems simply because the nations had not adapted their foreign policy to change to look after, instead of looking after the interests of the League as a whole working unit". The lack of political will among the bigger nations to implement collective security is evident in the stand taken by the big powers vis--vis the League of Nations. The rejection of the Treaty of Versailles by the US and by extension to the League was almost a 'death blow' to the fledging organization. As a result of domestic political compulsions, US President Woodrow Wilson failed to garner the support of the Senate, which according to the US Constitution is the body responsible for ratification of any treaty. The Senate voted against the Treaty and as a result the US did not become a member of the League of Nations. This left Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan as the main powers in the League of Nations. According to Karl Schmidt, "The majority of the British public supported the ideals of the League, but the British government viewed the League largely with indifference". This was largely due to the fact that men like Lloyd George, Stanley Baldwin and Curzon who dominated the government of the day believed in the 'old diplomacy'. Lloyd George preferred, as per Karl Schmidt, "Diplomacy by conference - where the great powers would meet in a less formal setting to discuss problems - to any such system as the League". Apart from this, the British were also affected by the US defection, as they did not want to shoulder the responsibility of single handedly securing the peace in Europe. France supported the League of Nations less for its idealism and more as a tool for securing its own protection. Ever fearful of an attack from Germany, the French leaders saw no difference between its own national security concerns and the League's collective security elements. Italy on the other hand, viewed the League with a certain amount of skepticism, which turned to dislike once Mussolini came to power,
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Set out the main ways in which continental European employees' working Essay
Set out the main ways in which continental European employees' working conditions are said to be better than for those working - Essay Example This model came into existence after the World War II. These countries opened their economies by abandoning protectionist policies. This social model was also possible because of the availability of cheap energy to drive their industries. European states usually do not have a single social model that applies to all of them. However, welfare states have some similar broad characteristics. These characteristics include the commitment to a social protection scheme, democracy, social inclusion, and full employment (Vanhuysse, 2012). The European community treaty establishes several objectives that these states have to meet. These objectives includes promoting employment opportunities, improving the working and living conditions, establishment of trade unions, better management and labor policies, encouraging investments, developing human resources, and tackling the problem of unemployment. The focus of this model varies amongst the various European states. This is because each state puts some focus on a different aspect of this social model, and the European treaty. Due to the differences in the implementation of this social model, it has been argued that there are four main social models in Europe (Munck, 2012). They are the Anglo-American model, the Nordic, the Continental and the Mediterranean model. This paper concerns itself mainly with the Anglo-American and the Continental European economic models, and how these models treat employees working in their industries. These social models encouraged industrialization; hence there was the need of workers to drive the growth of these industries. Up to date, business organizations, irrespective of their sizes are responsible for employing a large percentage of workers in Continental Europe, and the Anglo-American economy. These firms account for wealth creation in Europe, and they determine the political organizations which are responsible for regulating the society and the economy. The areas of regulation are on the status of European employees, and their welfares or interest (Burroni, 2012). It is important to denote that the continental European social model is different from the Anglo-American social model. The manners in which these two models treat their employees are very different. This paper seeks to analyze the Anglo American social model, and how it treats its employees. This paper also analyzes the Continental European social model, and how it treats their employees. After these analyses, this paper identifies their differences and similarities. This paper takes a stand that the working condition of the Continental European employees is far much better, than the working conditions of the Anglo-American employees. This paper explains how Continental Europe managed to improve the working conditions of its employees. In explaining these points, this paper focuses on Denmark, Germany, and Netherlands. The countries that ascribe to the Anglo America model are Ireland and the United Kingd om. According to this model, the state plays a minimal role in regulating the performance of its market. That means the elimination of various barriers to trade such as taxes. It also means that the state does not interfere with the pricing system of companies. This is because the level of competition within an economy will most definitely determine the prices of products sold in the economy. This model is also characterized by very high competition amongst companies. This is
Monday, August 26, 2019
Education, Theatre Design and Technical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Education, Theatre Design and Technical - Essay Example As by means of all of the arts, theatre is very hard to assess. Over and over again, writers and those who spoke for myself to me mentioned that multifaceted activities such as drama and theatre cannot be assessed with existing standardized, multiple choice, norm-referenced profitable tests. Technical and superficial aspects of theatre (speaking loud enough, facing downstage, etc.) can be measured objectively. Original aspects such as the difficulty of character, plot innovation, and compassion to time and space are much harder to measure. Cecily O'Neill et al. note that linking to others, postponement of disbelief, and making aid to the work, gaining insight, and height of language and understandings all need to be noted in student development in theatre. There are extremely little experience crossways the broad educational world of ways to assess these cognitive and affective domains. A central danger in evaluating student progress in theatre lies in the temptation to assess only t he technical and real and to ignore or diminish the original and artistic aspects (Racine, S. J., 2001, 31-41). On the surface, it appears that little or nothing has happened or is happening in the field of assessment in theatre education. No books have been written, ERIC cites only two articles, and classroom teachers seem uninvolved with the issue. Scratch the surface, however, and it is a different matter. For years, theatre educators have been using methods of assessment that are only now being explored by educators and researchers in other fields. As well, a flurry of activity is happening in theatre-education assessment (Raskin, J. 2000). In order to discover the current status of assessment in theatre education, the American Alliance for Theatre and Education (AATE) selected "Assessment" as the title of the primary file it would expand for its newly establish a national database. This file attempts to bring together and make accessible a list of as many identified sources as possible on appraisal and evaluation for theatre in education in the United States at the present time. It comprises books, articles, conferences, unpublished studies, conferences on arts assessment, and researchers in the field as well as related materials from linked fields and other relevant information. Each item was checked by an AATE researcher and is interpreted.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Principles in non- profit leadership Research Paper
Principles in non- profit leadership - Research Paper Example Successful leaders, however, are not just adepts in formulating plans that are in line with the organizational dynamics, but also implement of those plans keeping in view the social dynamics of the organization. In addition, leaders provide the necessary support, communicate effectively with employees and motivate them sufficiently to ensure successful execution of the formulated strategy (Mumford et al.). It is an undoubted fact that the birth and growth of non-profit organizations has placed new demands on leadership. According to two famous researchers, Herman and Heimovics, the role of leadership in non-profit organizations is demanding and intricate. There are many instances where the leadership is faced with the daunting task of reconciling various responsibilities and functions with organizational goals (Herman and Heimovics). Furthermore, there has been a pressing need for successful leadership in non-profit sectors lately. One fundamental aspect of leadership in non-profit organizations is that it must manage articulately the relationship between itself and the Board of Directors (Carver). Researchers have mostly viewed non-profit corporations as hierarchical structures defined by formal lines of authority. The law in some countries, such as the United States, defines the Board of Directors as having an authority superior to that of the executives and leadership (Carver). Thus, the Board explicitly lays down the rules, regulations, policies and procedures for the company, has the authority to accept or deny proposals or plans and settles the budgets, plans and other aspects of the organization. This is based on Max Weber’s model of bureaucracy whereby decision making is determined by formal lines of authority and chain of command (Carver). Research with respect to non-profit organizations suggests that the Board formulates the strategy and decisions, whereas, the leadership simply executes thos e
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Evaluating the recruiting function Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Evaluating the recruiting function - Coursework Example By spending more time making a follow-up call, each recruiting sources can increase the chances wherein qualified job applicants would accept their job offers. By limiting the number of accredited recruiting sources, each one of them will be forced to create and maintain a positive image as one of St. Vincent Hospital’s accredited recruiting sources. I would eliminate private employment agency as one of St. Vincent Hospital’s recruitment sources because its average cost per nurse is as high as $2,000.00. It means that it is too costly to recruit nurses from this particular recruitment sources. Because of the relatively low ‘above-average rating’, I would also remove walk-ins (1.00), internet applications (2.40), and university programs (3.43). If I need to cut down some more, I would purposely remove hospital-based schools, public employment agency, direct mail, and state nursing association meeting simply because I am not sure about the nurses’ one-year survival and their above-average ratings. Making follow-up calls on job applicants seem to the most easiest to improve. To effectively decrease the yield ratios from the first recruitment stage to the next level, perhaps it is best on the part of the recruiting sources to use a benchmark of 75% when selecting qualified applicants for the actual interviews. Basically, the reason for maintaining the 75% benchmark is because not all candidates who will attend the actual interview would accept the job offer. This will save the recruitment sources a lot of time and effort from losing all potential
Friday, August 23, 2019
Preformance Managemant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Preformance Managemant - Essay Example For instance, there are assumptions that managers might undertake when taking evaluation of an employee. Sometimes, the responses from an employee may not be reflective of the potential and skills that he possesses. Thus, at this point, it is expected that the manager would assume faulty quotes for the employee’s service within the organization. At some point, the main essence of performance appraisal or management may not be fulfilled because the manager may be biased or have an opinion which is built before the appraisal process (Cardy and Leonard). As per research, another reason which has been noted to affect managers is the psychological underpinning of performance management. At some point, managers may feel that they are insecure about their own positions because performance management requires a lot of evaluation and understanding. It should be noted that managers feel burdened with the strategic planning of needed for performance management within an organization (Cardy and Leonard). Finally, the most important reason behind resistance of managers towards performance management is the fact that they would have to set targets for their subordinates. As a result, it is expected that some of the subordinates would show resentment towards the managers. Therefore, an air of miscommunication arises that does not make the team and manager feel confident or communicative about each other (Cardy and Leonard). Other than this, it is noted that managers would focus on day to day achievements of the individuals. But it is ineffective because managers should look at employees as team members. It is due to this reason that they stay motivated and communicative within an organization. Secondly, managers believe that all employees are similar which only false assumptions are. Managers need to understand that all employees have different responsibilities and skills. Thirdly, managers often
Coco Chanel - Fashion Merchandising Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Coco Chanel - Fashion Merchandising - Assignment Example The essay "Coco Chanel - Fashion Merchandising" focuses on the Coco Chanel and her strategies. Coco Chanel never thrived from a fashion background, but hailed from a poverty stricken family. Coco was a performer in her early life periods after pursing a singing career as a nightclub singer. She seemed to be comfortable with singing and the career appeared to be her forte. Nonetheless, Coco realized that her fortune lied elsewhere far from the music industry. She thus later moved to fashion industry, where she left a mark before her demise. It was not until 1920s that Coco stamped a lasting authority in the world of fashion. In the years preceding World War I, Women’s attires were very restrictive and tended to make them more feminine. Women simply dressed to please men. Coco revolutionized the fashion industry by breaking that code by developing simpler clothing for women, which were more practical. Coco brought into existence female trousers as well as suits, which was strang e owing to the female dress code in the preceding years. Coco became iconic during mid 1920s not only for specializing in female garments, but also for the historic â€Å"black dress†, which took the fashion industry by storm. Coco launched Chanel No. 5 fragrance in 1922 and also initiate Chanel signature cardigan jacket in 1925. Coco worked as a nurse in the middle of World War II, but had to get into hiding following her affair with a Nazi soldier. In 1954, she returned to Paris where she bounced back to fashion world.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Amusement Park Place Essay Example for Free
Amusement Park Place Essay Amusement Parks are on of Americans favorite places to go. You get to ride roller-coasters, play games and just have fun. The thrill you get by getting is one of the best feelings you will ever have. When you first walk in the amusement park you feel your adrenaline rush by seeing all the people go crazy over the roller-coasters and the games. Adventure parks are an adventure that everyone needs to experience once in their life. Roller-coasters are a thrill that everyone should experience at an amusement park. Rollercoasters are what make amusement parks so fun. There are many different types of roller-coaster that has many different types of loops such as a corkscrew, the regular flip, and many more. Some of the biggest roller-coasters that I have ever been on are the ones at Six Flags. I rode the Batman, Superman, Georgia Scorcer, Deja-Vu, and all the other roller-coasters they had. My favorite was Superman; you are flying through the air just like Superman. The loops were like corkscrews and had some straight drops. Everyone needs to experience a roller-coaster ride at least once. There are many amusement parks all around the United States that you can go to and have fun. One is in Atlanta, Georgia home of Six Flags. Another one is located in Cedar Point, Ohio which is called Cedar Point and is one of the most popular visited amusement parks. Another one is Bush Gardens located in Tampa, Florida. I got to visit Bush Gardens this past Spring Break it was the best amusement park I have ever been to. There were a lot of family activities such as games, food, and roller-coasters. They didn’t have many roller-coasters, but the ones that they did have were my favorite. There are a lot of many different amusement parks around the country that you can take your family and have a great time. Games at amusement parks are also what make amusement parks so much fun. If you are scared to ride the rides just go ahead and play games. There are many games you can play like basketball shoot, racing games, shooting games and many more. If you end up doing good in the games then you will get prizes such as stuffed animals, candy and a lot more stuff. Games at amusement parks are parks are fun to play and make the amusement park experience unforgettable. Amusement Parks are fun for families and friends to go and bond for the day. Amusement Parks are enjoyed when you go and the ride the roller-coasters, play games, eat food, and go to Some of the shows that the parks have to offer. Amusement parks have been around forever and and that is why so many Americans love them so much. They allow you to have fun and relax for the day. Amusement Parks are a lot of fun and I think everyone should go to at least once to see for themselves.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Education For Media Literacy Media Essay
Education For Media Literacy Media Essay Media literacy is an approach to education which provides a framework to analyze, evaluate and access messages in various forms and thereby building an understanding of the role of media in the society as well as self-expressions required for citizens of a democracy. Media literacy is the ability to know and understand how the mass media works. This includes how they are organized, how they produce their meanings and how they use them wisely. A person who is media literate can clearly describe the role of media in their lives. He or she understands the basics of various media and enjoys using them deliberately in a conscious way. He or she has full recognition that protects them from being unnecessarily frightened and therefore has a full control of his or her media experiences. Often, the media is lumped together as a single entity but in reality it is actually many forms of communication like the newspapers, billboards, television, radio, magazines, video games, computer games and videocassettes. Education for media literacy uses the inquiry-based pedagogic, model which encourages the people to ask questions in relation to what they read, hear and watch. Media literacy provides tools which help people analyze messages and offer them opportunities to broaden their experience of media. It assists them develop creative skills in coming up with their own media messages. Critical analysis includes identifying the author, his purpose and point of view, examining the construction techniques and genres, patterns of media presentation and detecting any bias, censorship and propaganda available in the news and public programming. Media literacy explores how structural features like the media ownership and funding model affects the information presented. Media literate people are skillful in creating and producing media messages to facilitate understanding of specific qualities of each medium and at the same time create independent media and participate as active citizens. Media literacy has contributed to an expanded conceptualization of literacy which treats mass media, popular culture and digital media as types of texts that require critical evaluation and analysis. Due to the transformation process of media consumption into an active and a critical process, people have gained a bigger awareness of the potential for manipulation and misrepresentation through public relations techniques and get to know the role of mass media in constructing the views of reality. Sometimes, media literacy is viewed as a channel to address the negative side of mass media, digital media and popular culture which includes gender, media violence and racial stereotypes, concerns about loss of privacy, internet predators, the sexualization of children and cyber bullying. Media literacy provides a type of protection for children and helps them make good decisions in their consumption habits and the patterns of their use. Learning abilities linked to media literacy can be used to create learning and teaching methods for example through mobile phones, internet based learning and interactive whitboard. Media interprets the past and shows us what has made us into being the way we are. Like geography, it defines for us our place in the world. Media literacy also helps us understand the workings of our immediate world and also our places individually in it. The media is also a major source of modern culture and entertainment and also requires us to learn and use the critical thinking skills. Media literacy helps us define how we communicate with others and also helps us to adopt the edge of modern technological innovations. Media literacy also helps us determine much of the cultural diet and weave part of the fabric part of our lives. Media literacy also helps us to understand ourselves as well as misunderstand ourselves and others. It helps us interpret our world, its ideas to us and its values. Media literacy helps us understand how things work, because it has carefully planned constructed and designed products. By helping kids and teens to become media literate, we can help them protecting them against pressures from advertising and several others media forms to drink, use drugs, eat unhealthy foods and have sex. We also help them build good communication skills , put portrayals of others as well as themselves, encourage them to look into multiple interpretations of media messages and also improve their media usage habits like changing the ritualistic viewing behaviors. The goal of media literacy is not bashing or to ridicule the media because it is a dominant force in our culture and therefore should be evaluated fairly and not denigrated. Media literacy is also not a magic wand or a silver bullet to solve all our problems but rather our best defense to resist manipulation and to keep a perspective of the images and messages that are a part of the youth culture and the media. Media literacy is therefore about helping students to become competent and critical in the various media forms so that they are well equipped to control the interpretation of what they observe and hear instead of letting the interpretation to control them. To be media literate is not about memorizing or taking statistics about the media but rather learning to raise the appropriate questions about what is seen, heard or read, in other words it is the ability to think for oneself. Without this ability, an individual cannot have the full dignity to exercise citizenship in a society which is democratic.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Nanobots The New Nemesis Of Cancer Biology Essay
Nanobots The New Nemesis Of Cancer Biology Essay The term nanotechnology will be one which would be widely used in the near future. It is in the leading position in comparison to futuristic nanotechnologies e.g., surgical nanomachines in terms of extensive research, application and products in pipeline. Nanotechnology is popularly known as the science of small or scientifically can be described as the technology to develop materials and structures of the size range from 1 to 100 nanometres. It will have tremendous applications in the field of medicine especially for cancer treatment Oncologists, physicians who study, diagnose, and treat cancerous tumours, of every nook and corner of the world has been relentlessly researching for methods for the early detection of cancer and precious localization of cancer therapeutics with minimal adverse effects to healthy tissues. Research in nanotechnology has shown promising possibilities for achieving this goal Chemotherapy is one of the most common cancer treatments used. It is a process that makes use of cytotoxic chemicals to exterminate cancerous cells. The chemicals may either be injected or taken orally. Chemotherapy may also be administered by rubbing it on the patients body. But chemotherapy actually is a harsh form of cancer treatment that kills not only the target malignant cancerous cells, but also many good non-target tissues as well. In some cases it has been guessed that chemotherapy does more harm than good. The patients even if they recover from the cancer disease and avoid death through chemotherapy, they still will be affected by the harsh side effects of it. Some of those side effects may be more harmful and painful than the cancer they had before. But equally effective remedies have not yet been found. Nanobots are expected to change that. It will provide better ways which makes the treatment safer. By joining multidisciplinary engineering inventions in nanotechnology, an opportunity for development of enhanced, miniaturized and low cost diagnostic/imaging instruments and treatment machines has opened. The future possibility of tackling pain- the bitter side of cancer therapy, through nanotechnology would be considered one of the biggest breakthroughs. How are nanobots made and what are they made off Development of nanobots is a rather complicated process. Scientists have made significant progress in this field, but have not deployed a nanobot which is entirely mechanical. Most of the developed nanobots at present are partly or mostly biological in nature. Nanobots are adapted machine version of bacteria. They are designed in such manner so that they can function on the same way as that of both bacteria and common viruses in order to interact with and repel them from the human system. The best way to create a nanobot is to use another nanobot. But the problem lies in getting started. An ideal material for the construction of nanobots has not yet been found. But expert scientists believe that silicon may be that ideal material, because of its traditional use for delicate electronic devices. Microscopic silicon components called transducers have so far been successfully built into nanobot legs. Selection of an ideal fuel for its working is also a problem faced by the scientists since most of the commonly used fuel units like solar cell or batteries cannot be shrunk to nanoscale. However, nuclear technology may provide answer for this. Researchers consider of equipping a thin sheet of radioactive material as fuel. As the radioactive atoms decay and release energy the nanobot would be able to utilise this power source. Another nice side effect of this system is its ability to renew automatically. With the constant circulating nuclear energy it would supply, this fuel cell would never need to be replaced. Another method to power up the nanobot is using the patients ow n body. Nanobots acquire power directly from the bloodstream. A nanobot attached with electrodes can form a battery using the electrolytes found in the blood or the nanobot could contain some chemicals that would perform some chemical reactions with blood to produce energy. Structure and working of nanobots Nanobots are very small that they can easily enter the body and flow along the bloodstream. The exterior of the nanobots are constructed similar to the carbon atom structure in a diamond due to its inert properties and strength. It has super-smooth surfaces which lessens the triggering of the bodys immune system, allowing its movement inside the body unaffected. The glucose or sugars present inside the body may cause hindrance for its motion, and hence, the nanobots will have other biochemical or molecular parts depending on its tasks. There are few items that might be found in a nanobots toolkit. Those are Medicine cavity It is a hollow section inside the nanobot that preserves small doses of chemicals or medicine and could release the medication directly to the site of infection or injury. Nanobots can also store the chemicals used in chemotherapy to treat cancer and can carry it directly to the site. Although the amount of medication is comparatively very low, nanobots can apply it directly to the cancerous tissues more effectively than traditional chemotherapy, which depends on the bodys circulatory system to carry the chemicals throughout the patients body killing the cancerous cells and the same time affecting the other healthy cells of the body harmfully. Probes, knives and chisels It is used to remove blockages and plaque. Nanobot need some device to grab, break down and remove these abnormalities. They may also need some devices to crush clots into very small pieces. If a partial clot gets released and enters the bloodstream, it can cause more problems further down the circulatory system. Microwave emitters and ultrasonic signal generators It is used to destroy cancerous cells. The doctors depend on methods that will kill a cell without bursting it. A busted cancerous cell may release chemicals that could cause the cancer to spread further to other portions of the body. Nanobots can break the chemical bonds in the cancerous cell and kill it without breaking the cell wall using fine-tuned microwaves or ultrasonic signals. At the same time, the robot could emit microwaves or ultrasonic signals in order to heat the cancerous cells and destroy it. Electrodes Two electrodes extended from the nanobots generate electric current and heat the cell until it dies, thereby killing cancerous cells. Lasers By vaporising tissues, small and powerful lasers could remove harmful materials like plaque in arteries, cancerous cells or blood clots. Scientists are working hard to find a suitable design for the body of the nanobot. It must be fast, aerodynamic and smooth to flow freely along the body and to complete its function. Some believe that a spider-like body would work best, but many nanobot researchers also think that a smaller version of the centipede might be best. They hope that by equipping the nanobot with several sets of fast-moving legs and keeping its body low to the ground, they can create a quick, efficient machine that would also be suitably shaped for introduction into human blood vessels to perform its functions. Nanobots will possess at least the fundamental two-way communication, respond to audio signals and will be able to receive power or re-programming instructions from an external source via sound waves. A network of special stationary nanobots will be positioned throughout the body. These nanobots logs into each active nanobots as it passes and will report results, allowing the interface to keep track of all the nanobots present in the body. Using this, a doctor can not only monitor the patients progress but also can change the instructions for the nanobots to enter into another stage of the healing. When the tasks are completed, it can be flushed out from the body. Nanobots can be programmed to perform different jobs around the body, and one of them will be to locate and destroy cancerous cells. There will be different nanobots to do different jobs to help kill the cancer, for example, one will inject toxins, while the other cuts out the tumour carefully without damaging healthy cells around it. Another robot will be able to send video footage of this happening to the surgeon treating the patient. Advantages of the technology The different advantages of the usage of nanobots are A better method for cancer detection The most commonly used cancer detection techniques like optical identification of malignant changes, cell growth analysis, specific-ligand receptor labelling or genetic test are inaccurate, lengthy and complicated process, which is impractical for clinical use. The detection of cancerous cells using nanobots will be simpler and precise than the traditional methods. Nanobots covered with organic-based fluorescent dyes will be bound to the cancerous cells which makes optical detection easier. A better method for cancer treatment The popular treatments of cancer at present, like chemotherapy, have many harsh side effects even though it helps in the treatment of cancer. It kills healthy cells present in the body along with the cancerous cells and may cause some side effects or even a more painful disease than cancer in the future. They will not be able to live a normal life even after recovering from it. Nanobots on the other hand, carry the drugs or tools used to destroy cancer tissues directly to it. It will disperse the drugs directly to the cancerous cells which leave the healthy cells unaffected thus preventing further side effects to a great extent. Some achievements in nanobotics Researchers at the École Polytechnique de Montrà ©al, in Canada have created a microscopic device that could offer a new and very effective treatment for cancer. The research team has coupled live bacteria to microscopic polymer beads which can carry cancer-killings drugs to create nanobots. The bacterias small size and flagella helps them to fit in and flow through the smallest blood vessels in the human body. A research team of a Californian institute-Pasadena, injected nanobots into a patients bloodstream. It was able to enter into the cancer tumour, deliver double-stranded small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), and turn off cancer genes. Reasons that slow down the use of nanobots at present Scientists do face challenges and are concerned of making nanobot tools effective and safe. For instance, creating a very small laser powerful enough to destroy cancerous cells is a great challenge, but its more difficult to design it so that the nanobot doesnt harm the healthy tissues surrounding the cancerous cells. Even though many scientific teams have developed nanobots that are small enough to enter into the bloodstream, its only the tip of the iceberg. They have to do more experiments and researches to make nanobots a real medical application. Another problem is with the quantity of toxin which goes into each capsule. This is because too much of the toxin at any one point can damage the body, therefore the process has to be spread out over a longer period of time, using lots of small doses. Nanobot consist of a transporting mechanism, an internal processor and a fuel unit. Creating a fuel unit at nano-scale is very difficult with current technology. Another problem in constructing nanobot is selection of material out of which it is made of and breaking it down small enough. The properties or behaviour of metals at large-scale and nano-scale might be different. Another factor that slows down its entry to the medical field is the high cost for the research, development and experiments. Some other applications of nanobots in the field of medicine Applications of nanobots in the field of medicine are practically unlimited. Some of the applications are Treating arteriosclerosis: Arteriosclerosis refers to an abnormality where plaque builds up along the walls of arteries, thereby hindering the normal flow of blood through it. Nanorobots can treat this condition by physically chipping away the plaque along artery walls which would then enter the bloodstream and gets removed from the body. Breaking up blood clots: Nanorobots could travel to blood clots which can cause complications ranging from muscle death to a stroke and break it up. This application can be one of the most dangerous uses of nanorobots, if the robot could not remove the blockage without losing even small pieces into the bloodstream. Small pieces, if entered into the bloodstream could then travel elsewhere into the body and cause more severe problems. The size of the robot also must be small enough so that it doesnt block the flow of blood itself through the arteries. Fighting cancer: Doctors are hopeful to use nanorobots either to attack tumours directly using lasers, microwaves or ultrasonic signals or as a part of a chemotherapy treatment, wherein medication can be delivered directly to the cancer site to treat the patient. According to doctors by delivering small but precise doses of medication to the patient, the side effects of the medicine will be minimized without a bit of loss in the effectiveness of the same. AIDS treatment: It can act as synthetic immune system of the AIDS affected patient which would help him to survive the disease. It could function as replacement helper-T cells in a weakened immune system Helping the body clot: Another particular kind of nanorobots named clottocyte is an artificial platelet, which carries a small mesh that dissolves into a sticky membrane upon contact with blood plasma. Robert A. Freitas, Jr., the scientist who designed the clottocyte, claims that clotting done by clottocyte could be up to 1,000 times faster than the natural clotting mechanism of the body. Doctors can use clottocytes to treat haemophiliacs or patients with serious open wounds also. Parasite Removal: Several nanorobots working together could directly release drugs on bacteria and small parasitic organisms inside a patients body and kill them all. Gout: One of the major functions of the kidney is to remove waste from the breakdown of fats from the bloodstream. The inability of kidney to perform this task develops the condition called Gout which causes waste to crystallize at points near joints like the knees and ankles. A nanorobot, though wouldnt be able to reverse the condition permanently, could break up the crystalline structures at the joints and provide relief from the intense pain at the joints, as a result of gout. Breaking up kidney stones: Kidney stones vary in size and are intensively painful to get removed normally as the size increases. Though doctors can break up comparatively large kidney stones using ultrasonic frequencies to get it removed normally, it is not always effective. A nanorobot could break up these stones using a small laser as well as can carry small ultrasonic signal generators to deliver frequencies directly to the kidney stones. Cleaning wounds: Nanorobots could help to remove dead remains from wounds and thereby decreasing the chances of infection. They can be used very effectively in cases of puncture wounds, where conventional methods of treatment are difficult. Conclusion Nanotechnology has become an emerging tool which helps to find solutions for several questions of different fields. It has provided the hope from preparing cure for many incurable and deadly diseases of the present. But still more researches and improvements are required, before actually applying it. The investments and resources required for the research, development and performance trials for nanobots are considerably large. Hence the sponsoring agencies, both private and government, should provide more investments and resources which make these nanotechnology inventions (like nanobots) more cost-effective and easily available for patients all across the world and of all economic classes. It will open a new horizon in the field of medicine especially for the study and treatment of cancer. Health departments in association with governments should form policies that support the usage of nanomaterials and prevent the use of treatments which are harmful and has harsh side effects, like chemotherapy, for cancer. The future holds lot of promises as nanotechnology has the potential to provide cancer therapy by challenging the problems like high treatment costs and undesirable side-effects. Glossary Therapeutics: The branch that deals specifically with the treatment of disease and the art and science of healing Diagnosis: Indicating the nature of a disease Nanoparticle: A particle of something with dimensions in the nanometre range Aerodynamics: The science which treats of the air and other gaseous bodies under the action of force, and of their mechanical effects Haemophilia: A tendency to uncontrolled bleeding References Rose SC, Hassanein TI, Bouvet M, Hart ME, Khanna A, Saville MW. Delivery of radiofrequency ablation probes to the targeted liver malignancy: Using all the players on the field. J Vasc Int Radiol 2002;vol:13;pg:1060-1. 16.9.2010 16.9.2010 16.9.2010 Varadan VK, Harbaugh R, Abraham JK. Deep-brain stimulator and-control of Parkinsons disease. CongrÃŽÂ ¸s Smart electronics, MEMS, bioMEMS and nanotechnology. San Diego CA; 2004. Available from:;year=2006;volume=2;issue=4;spage=186;epage=195;aulast=Hede#ref2. 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Developments on Nanorobots with System on Chip May Advance Cancer Diagnosis, Cancer Treatment, Health Care News Articles, eMaxHealth, October 2006
Monday, August 19, 2019
Human Resource Management :: essays research papers
Human Resource Management Aims This course aims at familiarizing students with the wider context of Human Resource Management (HRM) and at providing them with the opportunity to engage with current problems and issues. The subjects covered throughout the lectures will introduce students to the current way of managing employees in modern organizations. More specifically, after the completion of the course, the participants will be able to: Explain the changing nature of the HR function in the modern organizational that shifts away from traditional functional and hierarchical management structures toward process-based forms. Evaluate the role of HRM in supporting organizational strategy in the contemporary environment. Assess HRM practices and current trends. Understand their role as future managers in developing and implementing HR practices. Course Outline Session 1: The Role of HRM Define the term HRM Describe the strategic importance of HRM activities performed in organizations Understand the importance of strategic alignment (fit) Discuss the role that specialists and line managers play in performing HRM activities Explore the variety of external customers for HRM Session 2: Resourcing Discuss the importance HR planning Describe how managers forecast demand for and analyze supply of human resources Discuss how to develop an effective recruiting program List what selection criteria are available and how they can be used to make selection more effective Preparatory Reading: Participants are required to familiarize themselves with the articles and prepare the case study of Chapter 5, in order to improve their understanding and participate in the discussion more effectively. Session 3: Performance Management Define the terms performance management and performance evaluation Compare the advantages of various performance evaluation techniques Define compensation and differentiate among direct financial compensation, indirect financial compensation, and non-financial rewards Examine the implications of teamwork to compensation systems Consider the factors relating to a firm’s compensation policy Preparatory Reading: Participants are required to familiarize themselves with the articles and prepare the case study of Chapter 4, in order to improve their understanding and participate in the discussion more effectively. Session 4: Psychological contract Define the terms psychological contract, employability and career management Understand the new contract and its effects on the employment relationship Examine ways to manage job insecurity Explore flexibility issues Discuss the implications for the individual’s career Preparatory Reading: Participants are required to familiarize themselves with the articles and prepare the case study of Chapter 9, in order to improve their understanding and participate in the discussion more effectively. Session 5: International HRM Explain the role of national culture in IHRM Consider the complexity of the international environment
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Stephen King Essay -- Essays Papers
BIOGRAPHY ON STEPHEN KING Stephen Edwin King was born in Portland, Maine, on September 21, 1947, the son of Donald and Nellie Ruth king. His father, a merchant seaman, deserted the family in about 1950. His mother took a succession of low-paying jobs to support him and his brother, David. A lonely, rather introverted child, King invented a more outgoing alter ego – Cannonball Cannon, a daredevil who â€Å"did good deeds†– and derived other vicarious thrills from listening to tales of horror on the radio, reading such spine-tingling comic books as Weird Science, Tales from the Crypt, and Tales from the Vault. He also went to see science fiction and monster movies. In October 1957, the local theater manager interrupted a Saturday matinee screening of Earth vs. the Flying Saucers to announce the Soviet Union’s launching of Sputnik, the first artificial earth satellite. It was then that King sensed for the first time â€Å"a useful connection between the world of fantasy a nd that of what my Weekly Reader used to call current events.†Eventually, countless viewings over the years of such classic horror films as The Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Thing, and It came from Outer Space convinced him that the horror movie’s chief value is â€Å"its ability to form a liaison between our fantasy fears and our real fears.†The fortunate discovery of his father’s paperback collection of fantasy-horror fiction gave King, in his own words, a â€Å"...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Pros & Cons Essay
Most wireline phone companies charge more than what you’d pay for most alternatives, and some are taxed more as well. There are some locations where getting new wired phone service is prohibitively expensive or even impossible. Long Distance and extra features like Call Waiting are normally included with alternative phones. More Features: Cellular and broadband phones normally include Long Distance, Voice Mail, Caller ID, Call Forwarding and more, usually at no additional charge. They also have Text Messaging and various forms of data service which are unavailable with a landline. Portability: If you move your home more than average (or if it’s on wheels), your phone and your number can stay with you. There are no â€Å"installation†charges. Temporary Usage: You can have phone service for the season in a vacation home or cabin, or on an extended stay at a hotel or home of a friend or relative without installing a separate line. Unlimited Plans: Most alternatives offer a plan that includes Unlimited talk minutes and Long Distance, including cellular. Most cellular carriers have eliminated Unlimited Data plans, although there are some that include Data with some other restrictions. Anonymity: You can easily set up an account (especially prepaid cellular) with either no name or an alternative identity. Fewer Telemarketers: Nuisance calls are reduced because telemarketers want to target customers in certain geographic areas. They won’t know where you are. Most telcos provide your landline number to telemarketers. With cellular it’s illegal†¦ for now. With broadband, it depends on the carrier who sets up your number. Internet Access: Your wireless phone can also be your connection to the Internet, either with an internal browser or tethered to your computer, and available wherever there is cellular coverage. Wireless broadband is also available separate from your cellular account. Wi-Fi for Multiple Devices: You can get a cellular modem that provides a wi-fi signal that can connect to up to 5 separate wi-fi devices. It’s Green: Replace your fax with an Internet-based fax service like eFax or MyFax. com and stop wasting paper and ink. (Give your old fax to charity) Attitude: Some wired phone companies just treat their customers badly. Sometimes it feels better to leave†¦ at any price. Take your broadband wherever you go – A mobile broadband connection is exactly that, which means that you can access your emails, check the sports results or watch YouTube videos no matter where you are, provided you have 3G reception. Stop paying for line rental – Millions of people continue to pay for line rental on a home phone landline that they rarely use, just so that they can get broadband at home. With mobile broadband, there’s no need to pay line rental – potentially saving you over ? 100 a year. Plug and play technology – All the software you need to connect to the internet is automatically installed when you first plug your USB modem into your laptop – no need to set it up or call a technical support helpline. Flexible options available – Mobile broadband customers can take advantage of some really great pay as you go tariffs from as little as ? 2 a day, or rolling one-month packages, meaning they only ever pay for what they actually need. Con’s: Safety: If you need to call 911, public safety authorities won’t automatically know where you are, you’ll have to tell them. Also, calls with alternative phones will not necessarily be routed to the closest agency. Also, you won’t receive â€Å"Reverse 911†calls alerting you to a public emergency in your neighborhood unless your local emergency center allows you to sign up your number and associate it with a local address. Security: Some businesses will not allow you to use their services without a traceable land line. This includes credit card companies, pizza shops and a few others, although this rule is slowly being relaxed. Satellite TV services want a landline-like plug for their equipment to call them each night. It does work with some broadband phone systems. Your satellite service can still work without it, but you will most likely pay an extra charge. Reliability: Wired telephone services have come as close to 100% reliable as is practical. Their network has substantial power backup, redundant circuits and years to get it right. Alternatives are improving but their networks can vary significantly. Cell sites and other communications nodes have a limited amount of backup power. In an extended power outage, such as after a hurricane or snowstorm, the service may not work, leaving you with no service. Corded phones work in power failures. Cable phones also have a lower level of reliability. Sound Quality: Some alternative phones don’t sound the same or as good as a landline. While your alternative phone may sound fine to you, it may be difficult for others. Also, some broadband phone services just dump their audio into the Internet resulting in widely varying data travel times giving you significant sound delays. Lack of Service: You may be in a location where there are no wireless broadband alternatives or may have poor cellular coverage. This might be rectified by adding a ‘cell site’ to your home. Broadband Speeds: While there are some fairly fast wireless broadband connections, it may be some time before they will compare to wired or cable connections. Malfunctions: Cell sites can stop working for various reasons. Repairs often need to be made on site and may take time. Broadband services require one or more pieces of equipment at your house which you will need to fix if it fails. Wireline equipment can normally be repaired at the central office. Murphy’s Law says breakdowns will happen at the worst possible time. You Have No Backup: Unless you have an extra cellular phone, if something happens to your main phone or its associated equipment, or your account, you can’t just plug another phone into the wall. Inconvenience: Some alternative services only offer a single jack for one phone. If you want service throughout the house you either must go wi-fi or cellular. Otherwise, plan on using the phone near your computer or router. With a cell phone you need to keep it close to you if your home is large or on multiple floors. It Might be Difficult to Get a Job: Some employers require a â€Å"Local†number to consider you for a position. While you can change your out-of-town portable number to something local, there goes your â€Å"Number For Life. †Surprise Costs. Since you normally pay for cellular by the minute, you might talk a lot more than you think. Savings may be less than you expected when calculated long term. Broadband carriers are not regulated like wireline services and could make changes that you don’t expect. You Won’t Be Listed in the Phone Book. Some directories let you to pay for a personal listing, but others use that as a way to keep you as a landline customer. Alarm systems. Most existing dial-up alarm systems don’t work with broadband phone connections. There are other alarm alternatives, including wireless. You May Not Be Able to Send or Receive Faxes. In some cases, faxing is not an issue. In others, you can’t just plug in your fax machine. A better choice is to to use a paperless, web-based service like eFax or MyFax. com. Low download limits – Even the most generous of mobile broadband tariffs only offer a download allowance of 15GB per month, and that could set you back ? A month on a two-year contract, while typical value packages offer less than 5GB a month. High costs for exceeding your limit – Most mobile broadband providers charge a fee when you exceed your download limit. This is normally several pence per MB and costs can very quickly add up if you’re not careful. Always keep an eye on your usage. Slower connections – Although suppliers might advertise speeds of up to 10 or 12Mb, mobile broadband speeds rarely exceed the average of around 1Mb. This, combined with the tight usage limits, makes mobile broadband unsuitable for large downloads. Coverage – Most of the UK is covered by the 3G mobile network, but coverage can be patchy in some rural areas, with speeds significantly slower in some parts of the country, so you should always check coverage in your area before signing up. PROS OF FIXED LINE NETWORK Reliability Land line/fix line phones can be more reliable than their cellular counterparts. Disconnected cables can disable land lines, but these problems are easily remedied. On the other hand, cellular phones are plagued by several different issues because they rely on a network of radio waves, cellular towers and satellites. In some areas, cellular service is plagued by dropped calls and fuzzy reception. Emergencies The reliability of land line phones makes them advantageous when it comes to emergencies. For example, if someone is hurt and needs immediate medical care, you do not have to worry about contending with poor reception. Land lines also provide a fixed location that emergency responders can rush to. On a cell phone, you must state your address or describe your location, which wastes precious time during a crisis. Sponsored Links
Discussion on public magnet and charter schools
Nowadays an instruction is non a privilege for affluent people merely as it was some decennaries ago and in in-between ages. Every kid and every individual has an chance to have a certain degree of instruction for free. Many types of school are available today. Let us discourse three of them – public school, magnet school and charter school. What are differences between them? Public Schools To specify differences between the types of schools is impossible without the clear apprehension of the chief thought of every school. First of all, allow us analyze what is public school. It could be assorted types of educational establishments depending on the state. Largely, public schools is an educational establishment that is funded and run by the authorities ( normally it is funded through the revenue enhancements ) . Nevertheless, some public schools are run by different organisations and they are independent from the authorities ; we can see them private establishments. We can see that public schools are a consequence of the thought that authorities of a state has a duty for the degree of instruction of its citizens. Most of public schools charge a little stuff fee and they are free to go to. There are many assorted schooling theoretical accounts changing from state to state. Nevertheless, the most popular theoretical account of public instruction attentions about kids throu ghout childhood and in to the late teens. Some states besides provide an chance to acquire higher instruction for free. This chance is for those pupils who are citizens of a state. Besides some states provide a sort of partially authorities subsidise university plans. Talking about the United States, we can see that the authorities of the state operates figure of province colleges, although pupils are expected to pay different fee ( for illustration, tuition one ) . On the other manus, there are some fiscal assistance plans and authorities loan available for the citizens of the United States. In other states, like the United Kingdom, public schools are largely in private funded and bear down a high tuition fees ; these schools set a high admittance criterions. In such types of public schools tuition includes board and room. Most of the pupils live at the school during a term. These types of public schools have an impressive academic history and besides a long permanent tradition of household attending through over a coevals. In those states where public instruction is required and common, schooling is compulsory to a certain grade degree or age. If a individual wants to go a public school instructor, the certain grade from an commissioned university is required and good public standing every bit good. Government is maintaining checks on the public instruction system with the aid of system broad standardised trials. These trials are a sort of indicant of the degree of some basic accomplishments like simple mathematics and literacy. To sum up the thought of public school, allow us underscore the chief characteristics of it. This type of instruction includes kindergarten to 12-th class ( K – 12 ) ; besides public school refer to primary and secondary instruction ( besides it refers to the station secondary every bit good and advanced instruction, like for illustration proficient schools, university and colleges that are overseen and funded by authorities alternatively of private entities ) . State public instruction is inclusive in the intervention of pupils. Often it is operated and organized to became a calculated theoretical account of that civil community in which it s traveling to map. It could be provided to a group of pupils in a schoolroom in a cardinal school and it may be provided in – place as good ( it employs oversing instructor or sing instructors ) . State public instruction could be besides provided as shopping mall infinite ( non – school and non – place scenes ) . The chief characteristic of the province public instruction is that it is available to all people. Largely, it is mandatory for kids up to a certain age to go to a province public school ; nevertheless, the option of go toing a private school is unfastened for many people every bit good. In instance that a child attends private public school, such type of schools by and large defray its costs ( by bear downing parents tuition fee ) and operates independently of the province ( Suitts, 2008 ) . As we mentioned above, province public schools are funded by revenue enhancements largely. It means that en those people who are non go toing schools ( or their kids and their dependants are non go toing province public school ) aid to guarantee that citizens of a province are educated plenty. It is of import to advert that the term â€Å" public instruction †is non a equivalent word for the term â€Å" publically funded instruction †when it is applied to province schools. What does it means? For illustration, authorities could do a public policy determination to hold certain fiscal resources that are distributed in support ( or/and it could make up one's mind to hold some control over ) the proviso of private instruction. Voucher system and grants – in – assistance of the private schools give an illustration of publically funded private instruction. On the other manus, a province school ( including that schools that are run by a school territory ) could to a great extent trust on private support ( like private contributions or high fees ) ; this school would still be considered a province public school by virtuousness of governmental control and ownership. Normally, the province public instruction includes at that place following points: Standards and proving that are provided by authorities ; Compulsory pupils ‘ attending until a certain criterion of accomplishment or until the certain age ; Certification of course of study and instructors ; the enfranchisement could be provided by either instructors ‘ organisation or by authorities. In some states churches or private associations could run a school harmonizing to their principals ; they are free to make it until they comply with a certain demands of a province. In instance if the particular demands are non in understanding, a school receives a province support ( the particular demands could run into for illustration in the country of the school course of study ) . Then a school could be treated for accreditation intent and financially as a portion of the province public educational system, nevertheless they make a determination about school policy and hiring ( for illustration, non engaging atheists ) which authorities could non take itself. Many specializers assert the province public instruction to be necessary because it is demand of those people who are capable of making basic mathematics, composing and reading in the modern society. Some other people like libertarians, Teach that instruction is better to go forth for private sector. There is another group of people that are remaining for the alternate signifiers of instruction, like non – schooling. They argue that the same cognition and accomplishment is possible to accomplish without subjective pupils to province – tally compulsory schooling. How the province public schools are organized? As we mentioned earlier, they are provided by local authorities ; instruction, support and course of study and other policies as good are set through school boards that are locally elected by legal power over school territories. What are school territories? They are particular – purpose territories that are authorized by a proviso of province jurisprudence. In other words, province authorities has a right ( and utilize the right ) to supply a minimal criterions relation to all chief activities of secondary and primary schools and authorise and fund to ordain local school revenue enhancements every bit good to back up the province public schools ( this support is provided chiefly through existent belongings revenue enhancements ) . The federal authorities could financess material AIDSs to school and provinces that meet minimal federal criterions. Decisions about the school accreditation are made by voluntary regional associations. Ordinary, a province public school is divided in to a three phases: Elementary school ( kindergarten to fifth or sixth class ) ; In-between school ( junior high or â€Å" intermediate †school ) ; High school ( 9th or twelfths classs ) . In the in-between school is largely common the undermentioned format: the simple school contains the kindergarten through the 6th class, the in-between school contains seventh through 8th classs. Furthermore, some simple schools could be divided in to two more degrees: Primary school ( frequently it is K -2 ) ; Intermediate. Frequently these two schools are based in the separate edifices. One more emerging popular construct is the K – 8th format. In this format pupils could go to two schools merely for all their K – 12 instruction. In the K – 8 format all primary classs are houses that are situated in one subdivision of a school ( this state of affairs is more common for charter schools ) ; however, traditionally junior high school aged students are based in another subdivision of a school. Presently, some really little schools territories ( normally in rural countries ) sill maintain a K – 12 system harmonizing to which all students are housed in a individual school. In the United States, different establishments f the higher instruction that are subsidized and operated by the American province authorities is besides considered to be â€Å" public †. Nevertheless, public universities charge tuition ( unlike the public secondary school ) ; nevertheless these fees are normally much cheaper that the same fees that are charged by the private universities, for â€Å" in – province †pupils peculiarly. State universities, community colleges, and province colleges are the illustrations of public establishment of the higher instruction. The figure of the province universities is considered to be the best establishments of the higher instruction in the United States. However, they are frequently surpassed by some private colleges and universities in ranking. Among these private constitutions are those that are highly selective in the pupils they are accepting and they are expensive as good. The advantage of the public schools is obvious ( in principal, if non in pattern ever ) . In a state where the population is educated the degree of different accomplishments in the work force is meant to be increased and better public argument. Educated citizens are expected to be more likely to do thought out determinations and see the hereafter of their state. Charter Schools Now allow us research the charter schools and in which manner they are different from the province public schools. In the United States charter schools are secondary or chiefly schools that receive public money, furthermore, the can have private contributions like other schools ) . They are non a topic of some regulations, legislative acts and ordinances and this is the chief differences from the province public schools. Alternatively of it the charter schools have some types of answerability for the bring forthing of the certain consequences. The consequences are set Forth in every school ‘s charter. This type of schools is unfastened and could be attended by pick. Normally, charter schools are alternate to other public schools, however, they are besides portion of the public educational system ; charter schools are non allowed to bear down tuition. In that charter schools where the registration is over subscribed, the admittance is often allocated by the admittance that is lo ttery based. Some charter schools suggest a sort of the course of study that is specialized in a one certain field ( for illustration, the course of study could be specialized in mathematics, humanistic disciplines or linguistic communications, etc. ) it is one of the efforts to supply more efficient and better general instruction than nearby public schools. It is one more difference between public schools and charter schools. The following distinctive feature of charter schools is following: some of them are founded by parents, instructors or other militants who are restricted by the traditional public educational system. There are besides province – authorised charters that are frequently established by universities, non – net income groups and some authorities entities ( schools are non charged by local school territories ) . Furthermore, sometimes school territories permit corporations to pull off ironss of charter schools. Charter schools themselves are non – net income yet ; in this manner public schools could be managed by a for – net income corporation. It is non altering the position of a school. Talking about the construction and character of charter schools, we can advert that there are two chief principals that are steering the type of schools: Charter schools operate as independent public schools declining from figure of the procedural demands of the territory populace schools. It does non intend nevertheless that a school could be exempt from the same educational criterions that are set by the territory or authorities. The liberty could be necessary for making a certain school civilization ; the civilization should maximise pupils ‘ motives by stressing subject, academic asperity, relationships with caring grownups and high outlooks. Confirming pupils require the liberty to make a good balanced school civilization to fulfill the demands of the pupils. Particularly it is of import for those minority pupils in urban school territories, where the public presentation is affected by some societal phenomena stereotype menace, non – dominant cultural capital, â€Å" moving white †, and â€Å" a codification of a street †. The charter schools are accountable for the accomplishments of their pupils. The construction and regulations of the charter schools is differ from province to province and depend on the province authorizing. Any charter school once it received a charter, a public presentation contract that is defined statutory and inside informations the school ‘s mission, ends, plans, ways of step success, pupils served and methods of appraisal, is authorized to map. Most of the charter schools are granted for three to five old ages, however, the length of clip for every of charters are granted varies. This type of schools is accountably held to their patron ( province educational bureau, a local school board, university or other entity ) . It helps to adhere to the charter contract and to bring forth the positive academic consequences. It is obvious that the answerability is one of the gratings statements for the charter schools ; on the other manus, here is some grounds that is gathered by the United States Department of Education. This grounds claims that charter schools are practically non held to the high criterions of answerability in comparison with the traditional public schools. This statement could be refuted with the aid of analyzing the figure of those traditional public schools which were closed because of the hapless public presentation of their pupils on the trials at the terminal of a class or stop – of – class trials. Normally this sort of schools is allowed to remain unfastened on the status of the restructuring and new leading ( or frequently with no alterations at all ) . The advocates of the charter schools are asseverating that the schools do non hold an chance to frequently restructure ; they are merely closed down if their pupils show a hapless public presentation on the apprais als. The United States Department of Education ‘s findings agrees with the statements of NEA ( National Educational Association ) , although their inability to keep some other of import factors, the restrictions of different surveies does non give us an chance to be certain if the traditional public schools are better than charter schools or non. We can merely specify all those differences that we already mentioned above. Magnet Schools The last type of schools that we are traveling to analyze is magnet school. It is a public school that has a specialised course of study or class. The term â€Å" magnet †refers to the manner of how the schools draw pupils from across the common boundaries that are defined by governments ( school boards ) as the school zones that feed into some certain schools. We can run into magnet schools at the in-between school degree, simple school degree and at the high school degree every bit good. In the conditions of the decentralized instruction, some magnet schools are established by the school territory ; they are draw from the territory merely. Other magnet schools are set up by province authorities ; they could be draw from the multiply territories. There are besides some magnet plans within comprehensive schools ( several schools within one school ) . The bulk of the magnet schools are academically selective. There are two types of the magnet schools that are built on a base of the elect sporting plans and on the agricultural concern ( like animate being genteelness and agriculture ) . Some magnet schools provide the competitory entryway procedure ; they require interview, hearing or the entryway scrutiny. Other magnet schools use the lottery system or accept all pupils who apply ; besides they could unite some elements of lottery and competitory entryway. Most of the schools are concentrating on a peculiar country of the survey or on the certain subject ; other could hold a more general focal point. The focal point could be made on faculty members ( technology, mathematics, natural scientific discipline, societal scientific disciplines, and humanistic disciplines, executing of all right humanistic disciplines ) or they may concentrate on the vocational, agricultural, proficient instruction. Decision Here are some chief types of schools that are common in the state. Sum uping the differences between the public school, the magnet school and the charter school we can reason that they are about the support and authorising largely. Public schools are normally focused on a pretty broad country of surveies while magnetic and charter schools are seeking to hold a narrow focal point. However, we appreciate the broad pick of educational constitutions that are assisting our citizens to be good educated and to acquire more accomplishments and cognition.
Friday, August 16, 2019
How to Get Software Requirements Right
How to get Software Requirements right Abstract The importance of getting the software requirement right has made big difference to so many major projects in the IT industry. Many techniques and solutions have been developed for understanding and getting software requirements right first time in the software development life cycle, but fewer people are taking these techniques into account and this is the reason why most of the IT projects are failing. I define here how to get software requirements right and why it has become some important to get software requirements right.Introduction Requirements Analysis is known as the process which allows us to understand the customer needs and expectation from proposed software. It is the first and one of the main stages in the Software Development Life Cycle model. Software requirements are functional and non-functional requirements of the system, which includes a brief description of how a system should behave as well as brief descriptions o f a system’s functions. Software requirements can state what an application is expected to do.Outsource2India pointed out that â€Å"the software requirement analysis process includes the complex task of eliciting and documenting the requirements of all the users, modelling and analysing the requirements and documenting them as a basis for system design†. There are different level and types of software requirement, which should be defined to get software requirements right. As shown in Figure 1, Business level requirements are there to define the business problem, business opportunities as well as what business is requesting as a solution of the problem.A user level requirement looks at the functionality of the software from user’s view. Product level requirements are where we define functional and non-functional requirements of the system such as the functionalities of the software and the usability needs it should meet. The reason why Software Requirements is known to be very important and major role in developing a project is because it gives the developer a brief description of what he/she needs to develop. It gives them better understanding of a system, which results in better system.Eliciting, analysing and writing good requirements is the hardest and most difficult part of building a software system because if you don’t get the requirements right, it doesn’t matter how well you do anything else. It is said Outsource2India that â€Å"Software companies are now investing time and resources into effective and streamlined Software Requirements Analysis Processes as a prerequisite to successful projects that align with the client’s business goals and meet the project’s requirement specifications†.If the requirements of software are incomplete, software practitioners will end up building software that does not meet the needs of the customer and the user. State of the Art As mentioned earlier, requirement analysis is one of the most important phases in the entire software development life cycle. It is very important to identify and understand the software requirement before moving on to other phases of software development life cycle. It was said by Pooja. R. Gupta that â€Å"When project managers plan for the software development they need to plan for adequate time and resource allocation for this phase†.Experienced requirement analyst like Hooks and Ferry has said that result of getting requirement right, early in the project, can save one-third or more of the overall project budget, which again states how important it is to get software requirements right in order to save time, money as well as achieve goals of the software. Another experienced requirement analyst Leffingwell points out that if you get your software requirements right at the beginning then it can save you the cost of fixing requirements errors as the cost of fixing requirements account for 70% to 80% of yo ur rework costs.Getting requirements right is the most critical aspect of the software development cycle. Software Productivity Centre mentioned that most of the companies come up short; studies point to a failure rate of more than 60% for IT projects, with poor requirements as one of the top five reasons. Moreover, when requirements are specified early in the lifecycle, 80% of the functionality is relatively unwanted by the users and 45% of these features are never used. These problems mean costly rework, compromised product quality, delayed delivery on current projects and start of new ones, lost credibility and lowered revenue opportunities.Developing and managing requirements at the start of a software project can provide significant benefits to the whole outcome: – Quicker and easier to develop and deliver high value products. – Greater insights into development capacity and capabilities. – Better understanding of the organisation and customer needs. â€⠀œ Higher business and user satisfaction with the overall product. – Closer alignment with business goals and expectations. – Cost saving – Result of the product is what the company actually required so get a product that meets the requirements of the system. Reduces rework and conflicts which would have come from unclear and ambiguous requirements. How to get the requirements right? According to Pooja. R. Guptam, in order to get the software requirements right, it can be very beneficial to cover all the following aspects of requirement analysis: 1. Define the problem and High level description of the solution: It is very important to understand the problem and the need for solution. The requirement analyst needs to understand how the new solution going to help and what benefits it is going to provide to the company. 2.Cover needs of all stakeholders and users of the solution: At this point, you must identify and understand the needs of the stake holders as well the users who are ultimately going to use the new system because you need to produce the system, which meets user requirements. 3. Define what the solution should and should not do: It is very obvious that we might know what the solution should do but we always forget the we also need to understand and define what the solution will not do so that requirements can be stated in a manner that we won’t be left with any imagination or doubts. 4.Define the features required: This is one of the main tasks of a requirement analyst. It is very important to define the functional and non-functional requirements of the software solution before starting to design the solution. Defining the functional and non-functional requirement is not all that needs to be done; you must also make sure that they are the correct requirements. 5. Capture all supporting information: It’s a good idea to include and record details of any processes followed, workflow, information flow, etc. It is also beneficial to record any other information which might be relevant to the solution.Conclusion In my opinion, I believe software requirements play quite a big role in the whole software development life cycle. The experience of developing such software project has made it so clear how important software requirement can be. Defining software requirements earlier in the project can provide the best solution of a system at the end. In my personal experience of developing software projects has given me the idea of how to get software requirements right, which are to firstly create requirement definition because it is the foundation of effective software delivery.Secondly, define requirements among stakeholders to address their needs, business problems and the vision of the software so that stakeholder’s goals and objectives can be met because if stakeholders requirements are not met or unclear then the developer will have difficulty building the solution without rework, which res ults in longer development lifecycles and higher costs. By investing more time on software requirements early in the software development process can save time, effort as well as money in the short and long terms.By following these paths in developing software projects can lead to a successful system. As mentioned earlier about the types of requirements that should be identified before moving to other part of software life cycle. It is very important to define all the business level, user level and the product level requirements because a developer needs all of these requirements in order to develop the right software. It is a very idea to follow the software development life cycles, which defines that requirement analysis is the first process of developing a project.In my previous projects, I believe a software development model has helped in defining the right requirements so it is a good advice to take this into consideration when designing any kind of software projects. Requirem ent Definition process also helps in defining the right requirement. References James A. Ward http://www. stickyminds. com/sitewide. asp? Function=edetail&ObjectType=ART&ObjectId=9150&tth=DYN&tt=siteemail&iDyn=2 Software Productivity Centre http://www. spc. ca/dc_software_requirements. htm Pooja R. Gupta http://ezinearticles. com/? Five-Tips-For-Getting-the-Software-Requirement-Analysis-Right-the-First-Time&id=1714473IBM http://www. utdallas. edu/~chung/RE/Getting_requirements_right-avoiding_the_top_10_traps. pdf Brianna Smith, delivery engagement manager, Rational software, IBM Software Group Lisa Garrity, technical professional, Rational software, IBM Software Group Theresa Kratschmer, senior software engineer, Rational software, IBM Software Group http://www. modernanalyst. com/Resources/Articles/tabid/115/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/1084/Getting-Your-Requirements-Right-Collaborate-With-Stakeholders-To-Work-Smarter. aspx My project Management http://myprojectmanagement. com /category/requirement-analysis/
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