Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Causes of Gang Involvement Essay Example for Free
Causes of Gang Involvement Essay Today, gangs in America cause a huge problem. Are there any positives for having a gang in the community? Does anything good come out of having a gang in the area? The answer to all of these questions is no. Gang involvement directly affects neighborhoods and has negative effects on communities. One of the first reasons a person joins a gang is because of economic despair or deprivation in the area they live in. Gangs form as a way for their group to make money. Some ways gangs earn an income is by selling drugs, committing thefts, prostitution of women, and sometimes even killing others for money. Because of economic despair, gangs are usually found in rundown neighborhoods. When we think of rundown neighborhoods, we think of poor housing and small incomes for those living in the neighborhood. This is why gangs will do just about anything for money. If the community or neighborhood fails to provide a way to earn money, the gangs will have to find other ways to receive an income. Gangs provide the member a way out of economic despair and into the lifestyle of â€Å"fancy living.†Because of bad economic times, this may cause a gang member to have low self-esteem about themselves. A member might be an outcast at the school they attend and are not well liked even in their own home sometimes. Even their own peers might give them a hard time. The gang entices the possible member with the ability to receive power, respect, and money. Gangs form in order to provide the individual with low self-esteem a chance to build their self-esteem through the gang. The gangs reputation, interaction with gang members, accomplishments of the gang, and gaining power through the gang sends loads of confidence to the new member. This new confidence usually gives the newest member the feeling of invincibility. But, as we all know, no one today is invincible. The thought of being rich and having the respect of others are two main reasons for members to join a gang. But, one of the simplest and easiest reasons new members join is because simply they can! Gangs from because they can; it is as simple as that. Gangs form when non-gang delinquents and gang delinquents are left for themselves. The groups simply are left unmonitored and have no structure to guide them while living their lives. These individuals are looking for ways to get into trouble and to cause problems. The members also do not respect their elders which also can cause problems. As long as there are victims to prey on, the gangs will prey on them. Overall, gangs do not send a positive wave of feeling when the word is heard. The members of gangs are troubled and confused individuals who are looking for ways to fill the voids that are in their lives. That is what a gang offers, ways to fill these voids. These are frequently negative ways to complete the person. The causes of gangs directly affect the community and neighborhood where the residents live.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
My Experience with Computers :: Technology Essays
My Experience with Computers Walking down the hallway to computer class excited me and made me a little anxious. The world of technology was slowly opening up to me. It was the year I took my first computer class. I learned how to push a button to start the computer, open up a program, and type. It was interesting, but my fear that I would accidentally hit the wrong key and make the computer crash overshadowed my ability to enjoy it. I would have to learn to conquer that fear, as digital technology became a part of my every-day life. Computers became more common around school as I got older. In fifth grade, there was actually one computer in the classroom. I rarely practiced it, except if the teachers made us do an exercise using it. I picked up the skill more readily when I discovered the Internet. The first time I used the Internet was at my friend's house. She had gotten it and was telling me about all the people she was meeting on-line in "chat rooms." I didn't understand how you could talk to real people over the computer. I went to my friend's house and we spent hours in front of the screen talking to people from all over the country on America on-line, the popular Internet access. I was obsessed. That was the only thing we did when I went over to her house. I was amazed at the expertise my friend developed at typing; she learned it after having to carry on multiple conversations with different people who instant-messaged her all at once. I was still pecking at the keys one-by-one. Everyday I would beg my dad to get the family AOL. Finally he broke down and got it. I was glued to it for the first three months. Then the novelty began to wear off. I wasn't so impressed with talking to strangers anymore. I realized that people I met face-to-face I could hang out with, but I had no way of knowing that "kids" I talked to on-line weren't actually 50 year-old men.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Maternal Mortality Rate Sierra Leone Health And Social Care Essay
Sierra Leone is an African state that is portion of the developing states of the universe. It is made up of 20 cultural groups. Among them are the Creole ( Krio ) group of which 10 % are posterities of freed Jamaican slaves, ( Quindex mundi Profile, 2010 ) . In their July 2009 estimates a population of more than five million, with a decease rate as 22.22 deceases /1,000. In footings of gender specific maternal mortality rate it is estimated to be 1 in 9 births, ( UNICEF ) , motivating Amnesty International to nickname it â€Å" a human rights exigency. †This means that for every nine female parents who give birth in Sierra Leone, one is expected to decease, specifying its Maternal mortality rate as reeling compared to the remainder of the universe and even some other developing states, ( UNICEF ) . The ICD 2007 of the World Health Organisation ( WHO ) defines maternal decease is any decease of a female parent during gestation and up to 42 yearss after birth. This province of personal businesss in Sierra Leone is of peculiar importance when examined against the Millennium Development Goals of bettering maternal wellness by 2015. Like every state of the universe, Sierra Leone has been concern with achieving the stipulated ends of the Millennium by 2015, but seems non to be able to accomplish it. This has chiefly to make with the fact that they are a underdeveloped state and as such are plagued with the same sort of challenges that the remainder of the developing states faces. The 5th MDG calls for the decrease of maternal mortality by 75 % 2015. It is thought, that critical to achieving this end is optimal direction of pregnant adult females during labor, ( Ronsmans, Elahi Chowdhury, Koblinskyc & A ; Ahmedb, 2010 ) . They further advised that this can merely be achieved by using skilled medical suppliers, particularly during the labour procedure and for the first 24 hours thenceforth. WHO estimates, that in surplus of 528,000 adult females die annually due to complications environing kid bearing and gestation. A figure of obstetric conditions have been named as the common causes. They include ; sepsis, obstructed labor, bleeding, eclampsia, complications of abortion and ruptured wombs. They go on to describe that cumulatively, bleeding is the cause of more than half the maternal deceases in sub-Saharan Africa accounting for more than one-third obstetric deceases worldwide. In Sierra Leone, bleeding was so a major cause, the primary predisposing factor being the culturally ineluctable pattern of venereal mutilation, where it was reported that 90 % of the adult females in Sierral Leone have some signifier of Female Genital Mutilation ( FGM ) , ( Bitong 2005 ) . The ensuing cicatrix, particularly from the more invasive signifier of FGM, infibulation, significantly compromises the birth canal, frequently bring forthing cryings in the walls of the vagina and besides in creasing the usage of episiotomy, surgical scratch into the walls of the vagina, in order to ease birth. Both processes predisposes to post-partum bleeding and decease, particularly in the absence of trained medical forces, as is most frequently the instance in Sierra Leone. In 1980s, a chief end of primary attention in Sierra Leone was to accomplish the decrease of maternal mortality to 30 % of the present statistic, ( Konteh World Health Forum, 1998 ) . They hoped to hold accomplished this by the stopping point of the century. Konteh notes that the mark was non reached and gives a figure of grounds for its failure. One of the grounds, he postulates was that intercession techniques employed, were non specific for the population. The â€Å" Human Services Practitioner †Systemic codification ( 2008 ) , stipulates that any intercession aimed at a population must be done with thorough cognition of the population to be served and technics specially to run into the demand of that population. The absence of that cultural specificity has been identified as the ground why many of the pregnant adult females refrained from utilizing the services that were made available. Even so, when some of the adult females attempted to utilize the clinics, they were me t with really aggressive and unfriendly nurses and other wellness attention forces, ( Konteh, 1998 ) . He besides noted that there was a really hapless prenatal history since most of the adult females refused to go to the prenatal clinics allow entirely the postpartum 1s. For this ground a female parent ‘s child birth history was mostly unknown and as such wellness attention professionals were unable to make put on the line stratification programs to efficaciously cover with any at hand complications. Notwithstanding, many bringings happened in places. In 1996, â€Å" about 69.5 % of bringings in the anterior 24 months occurred at place, 21.5 % were performed at a wellness Centre, and about 9 % occurred in the infirmary, †( Konteh, 1997 ) . He cites that this was due chiefly to the fact that distant countries were normally non reached by maternal wellness Plutos. Those countries were preponderantly served by, traditional accoucheuses called â€Å" traditional parturit ion helpers †. Further to that, Konteh notes, these birth helpers were non good perceived among the wellness suppliers because their supplies, instruments and tools were unsterile and often the cause of infection frequently with fatal results. The Southern Cross of the affair is that Sierra Leone sees less than 50 % of its birth done by medical forces that are trained in labor, and even a smaller proportion of pregnant adult females of all time attend prenatal clinics, ( Wachuku, 1994 ) . The inevitable rise in mortality rate has led to international administrations like the Marie Stopes International ( MSI ) to get down work in Sierra Leone in an effort to extenuate the impact of the lifting maternal mortality rate in that state. Through its local non-governmental spouse, the â€Å" Marie Stopes Society, Sierra Leone †( MSSSL ) , this administration in 1986 was involved in constructing five clinic across Sierra Leone. During their discourse what they found as another major cause of the blue maternal mortality rate had to make with beliefs that were steeped in societal and civilization patterns like venereal mutilation, authenticating the earlier study by the WHO, that venereal mutilation was holding important effe ct for the wellness of the female parent in childbearing. Those societal and cultural issues were considered to be a major obstruction to the effectual direction of labour exigencies. One illustration is the belief that labour enduring for more than 48 hours are non considered a complication of gestation, ( Wachuku, 1994 ) . In western medical specialty this is termed drawn-out labor and has built-in complications like obstructed labor, uterine rupture and bleeding, ( Collins, Arulkumaran, Hayes, Jackson & A ; Impey, 2008 ) . This is confounded by the belief that when complication occurs, it is frequently defined as a natural cause and non considered to be of an obstetric/medical beginning. The MSSSL further found that transit and deficiency of resources in the Centres impedes the bringing of exigency services when the demand arises. Konteh, ( 1997 ) composing in the community development diary, cites a figure of socioeconomic identifiers together with some wellness variables impacting maternal mortality rates in 12 chiefdoms in Sierra Leone. He foremost indicates that early matrimony was straight related to the high para, and went on to describe that more than 40 per centum ( 40 % ) of the married adult females did so by the clip they were 15 old ages old. He besides recorded that in the age group of 45- 90, approximately 85 % of them had six or more kids. He found the highest para of more than nine kids among 55.1 % of the adult females population, with even higher birthrate in some localized countries. Then effect of increased para include placenta previa, arrangement of the placenta excessively near to the neck, placenta abroptio, shed blooding between the placenta and the womb and hasty labor, highly fast labor, all of which increases the hazard of post-partum bleeding, ( Oxford Handbook of Obstetric and Gyn aecology 2009 ) . This is go oning against the back bead that the bulk of adult females have ne'er received primary instruction, a critical determiner of wellness, ( WHO, 2010 ) . Equally far as business is concerned 80 % -90 % of the population in the countries studied by ( Kendeh 1997 ) , were subsistence husbandmans who are hapless, another of import determiner of wellness as defined by the WHO. This is non so state that the authorities did non recognize and was non concerned with the rate at which maternal deceases were go oning. ( Kendeh, 1997 ) noted that the authorities recognised the demand to set in topographic point plans to extenuate the increasing mortality rate among pregnant and post-partum adult females. He found that the Government embarked upon developing community incentives to be competent in community instruction and formation of small town action groups, which was to ease emergent conveyance of adult females in labor who develop complications. In 1993 -1994 some betterment was seen but the Numberss rapidly dropped due to terrible break in service caused by civil discord, ( Kendeh et al. 1997 ) . From 1991, there has been old ages of political instability in Sierra Leone from the â€Å" Revolutionary United Front †( RUT ) who overthrew the Government and was merely able to return to democratic regulation boulder clay 1998, ( Global security, 2005 ) . This did non give the authorities adequate clip to see the program that began bettering the maternal decease state of affairs come to fruition. Absorbing the foregoing information still begs some inquiries. What so is ground for the high maternal mortality rate in Sierra Leone, particularly since the chief cause of maternal mortality rate is non alone to Sierra Leone? What sets them apart from the other developing states that pattern FGM and have high incidence of post-partum bleeding? The reply lies in the apprehension that foremost, non merely does Sierra Leone pattern FGM, but they pattern the most extremist signifier of it, infibulation. Infibulation, classified as type III, involves the entire deletion of the external genital organ and the partial sewing of the vagina, go forthing merely a little mercantile establishment for menses ( Bitong, 2005 ) . It is the most utmost signifier of FGM and ninety four per centum 94 % of adult females in Sierra Leone are subjected to this signifier of FGM. This is go oning against the background that this pattern, while with a prevalence rate of 90 % , prevalence is highest in the rur al countries that have really small trained wellness attention forces or health care installations, and where most of the births are still done by the traditional birth helpers. As a consequence, though bleeding is the common cause of maternal mortality, in Sierra Leone, it more likely than non, to ensue in decease for the female parent. It is instead unfortunate that the blue maternal mortality rate in Sierra Leone will non demo important betterment, 0.1 % as stipulated by the WHO. One implicit in ground for the deficiency of betterment is the trouble that authorities faces to supply entree to wellness service and equip installations in distant countries. This is compounded by the job of FGM, which is so culturally deep-rooted, that attempts to turn to it hold been met with violent opposition. This means that to efficaciously pull off this unstable place, a paradigm displacement will hold to happen as it relates to gender mutilation, para, apprehension of what constitutes an obstetric exigency, handiness of trained wellness assistance with civilization sensitive attitudes and general betterments in entree to wellness attention. Obviously this will demand a many-sided attack by many stakeholders to stem the tide, every bit good as an injection of foreign assistance to assist run into the costs. This is the repeating quandary in so many developing states, so much to make with so small resources, a state of affairs that is confounded by political instability. Public wellness professionals will hold to go on to make what they have ever done – research, enlighten, give way and merely wait to see if the guidelines are heeded. Meanwhile, the hapless and vulnerable die day-to-day.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Appearance Versus Reality in Tennessee Williams The...
Appearance Versus Reality in Tennessee Williams The Glass Menagerie In any Tennessee Williams play, nothing is as it seems. Everything represents more than itself. Williams creative use of symbols creates a drama that far exceeds the apparent or surface level. Williams himself admits that art is made out of symbols the way your body is made out of the vital tissue, and that symbols are nothing but the natural speech of drama [. . . ,] the purest language of plays [. . . ; S]ometimes it would take page after tedious page of exposition to put across an idea that could be said with an object or a gesture on the lighted stage (Demastes 174). The reader must engage not only what appears to be just a needed prop or dialogue, but†¦show more content†¦Tom Wingfield is not only a symbolic character in the play but is also very symbolic of Williams himself. Although Williams went by the name Tennessee, his legal name was Thomas Lanier Williams. Art is imitating life greatly between Williams life and the Tom character in the play. Tom, as the narrator of the play, states, I have a poets weakness for symbols (Williams 1.1866). Tom Wingfield, who is the son and real provider for the family, dreams of living his own life and escaping the responsibilities that his fathers leaving left on his shoulders. However, he turns out to be a younger version of his father. He escapes physically from the guilt of leaving and not fulfilling his own perceived responsibilities to Laura, Amandas daughter and Toms older sister. Laura suffers from a physical disability of one legs being shorter than the other that has also handicapped her emotionally, or so it seems at the plays opening. She has her world of glass that she escapes to when she cannot handle reality. Finally, Jim OConnor is the gentleman caller who seems to be just a nice ordinary man. However, he stands for much more, for he represents the long delayed but always expected something we live for (Williams 1.1866). Tennessee Williams uses so many symbols to express the deeper level of this play expressed in the most important theme, thatShow MoreRelatedConflict Between Reality and Illusion as a Major Theme of ‘the Glass Menagerie’1718 Words  | 7 PagesConflict between reality and illusion as a major theme of ‘The Glass Menagerie’ Introduction The Glass Menagerie is a dramatic play about human nature and the conflict between illusion and reality. An illusion is pretense and not reality. In The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams has made use of both reality and illusion together using conflict between them. Illusion is a misinterpretation of the facts. It is an opinion based on what we think is true rather than on what is actually true. In thisRead More Illusion vs. Reality in Tennessee Williams The Glass Menagerie1614 Words  | 7 PagesIllusion vs. Reality in Tennessee Williams The Glass Menagerie     The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams, contains multiple themes. While there are many themes, the theme that holds the piece together is illusion versus reality.             This theme is established very quickly, In fact, the first paragraph of the play describes the illusions to take place, But I am the opposite of a stage musician. He gives you illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth
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