Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Development and management of a visitor attraction Assignment
Development and management of a visitor attraction - Assignment Example This attraction site is popular and it accommodates more than fourteen million tourists per year. This is a place, which is appealing to visitors of different walks of life. The place usually has the cultural value and the dà ©cor and ambience admired by the visitors. The visitor attraction attraction site is also abundant of historical significance. In this regard, the place is expected to have extinct animals like the white elephants and other cultural artifacts. The definition of this term is usually difficult because it encompasses many attraction geographical aspects. It is also known as a tourist attraction sites. The term accommodates all categories of people ranging from the most affluent in society to the poorest in society (Todd, 2008). The tourist attraction is usually refers to a place where local and foreign tourists visit to see wild animals and other cultural artifacts belonging to different communities. The attraction site can be a museum. Tradition sisters also possess man-made beauty items. England has had a big sector for tourism for a long time. However, the economic downturn of 2008 affected the sector. The sector is boost by many visitors from the Western countries especially the US. The revenue collected from the tourists was estimate at $5.9 billion in the year 2010 .This indicates that the national budget of the country is funded by the tourism sector. Dickenson and Houston (2008) conjecture that there was a record high of 5.4 million tourists from the international community in the year 2011.The major attraction site for the visitors in US include the Lakes beach, the . In addition, the rainforests, the Pantanal and the sand dunes contribute to the many features, which attract many visitors into the country across the globe. The number of international tourists in England started increasing between the year 2000 and 2005. There was a steady growth in the number of
Monday, October 28, 2019
Statement of Purpose Essay Example for Free
Statement of Purpose Essay As a small child I remember trying to make a pyramid of cards and failing repeatedly. What I had always been missing those days was the need to focus on creating a strong base rather than abruptly rushing on to reach the top. With my undergraduate study at an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), the best technological institutes in India with inarguably the toughest selection ratio (~2%) in the world I am sure that the strong base required to build the pyramid is laid and the next level to reach my goals would be to do my graduate studies at University of California, Santa Barbara. Born in an era of technological revolutions, witnessing the advent of cell phones, mp3 players, digital cameras, computers, laptops, internet, DVDs to name a few, I developed a strong liking for technology from my childhood. It was clear that Mathematics and Science were the subjects which fascinated me and my accomplishments in various quizzes and competitions in school fuelled my exploration of these subjects. It was in my eleventh standard when I got 12th rank in the Regional Mathematics Olympiad, conducted by NHBM, Govt. f India that I got exposed to elements of Discrete Mathematics, particularly Combinatory and Graph Theory, outside the regular school curriculum at an early stage. The intensive training programs we were put through for the Olympiads gave me a lot of confidence in dealing with abstract mathematical problems. I represented my region among around 200 students from all over India in the National Mathematics Olympiad. Next year my dedication towards my work got rewarded when I cleared the various prestigious national level examinations of India which made it further clear what I was meant to do in life. It began when I cleared the KVPY Examination, which is one of the highest valued and most competitive scholarship examinations conducted by Govt. of India and received a call letter from IISER Pune (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research) for admission to their BSc course with the KVPY Fellowship. Next I secured a rank of 290 in National Entrance Screening Test making me eligible for admissions to NISER (National Institute of Science Education and Research) whereby the selection rate is only 0. 325 %. But finally I choose to pursue Electrical Engineering from IIT Bhubaneswar after envisaging the broad range of research areas this field would provide me like control and automation, telecommunications, signal processing, analogue and digital electronics and Power systems. The undergraduate study at IIT Bhubaneswar has been a defining step in giving shape to my dreams. The cut throat competition among the best of students in India demanded sincere efforts and meticulous planning. I honed my analytical skills, technical prowess and aptitude for innovation. Moreover, I learnt the significance of proper planning and resilience to prevail over hard times, thus helping me mature as an individual. It was just a few months in my undergraduate studies, that I realized that the true charm of engineering existed in its application and to gain an insight into the wider domains of Electrical Engineering I pursued internships every year during the summer vacations. The excitement to explore new things and learn new concepts kept me busy during the off college hours. At the end of first year I choose to explore the area of embedded systems and took an internship in DOEACC, a Govt. of India Center, which not only offered me an insight to microcontrollers but made me realize the grandness of the field, motivating me to explore even more. I developed a snake game using 8051 series of controller as a small project in the internship. Returning back to college after the vacations my first task became to join the Robotics Society of the Institute and to share my experiences and to motivate juniors and fellow students to enjoy and discover the aspects this field had to offer. I became the core member of the Robotics Team and offered various seminars and made various robots including line follower, glider etc. as a part of the team. This fascination for robotics was widened in next semester when I learnt new topics in class and in topics like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital Signal Processing (DSP) I found my particular interest. Thereby I choose to do my second internship in IIT Delhi where I did work on Artificial Intelligence based Biometric Authentication. This period of 3 months led me to get insights into topics which I haven’t explored till then . Here I not only got the idea of various image processing techniques but also about various classifiers and soft computing techniques like Neural Networks and Evolutionary Algorithms which proved handy throughout my undergraduate studies. Here I coauthored my first research paper which was published in Springer LNCS as a part of proceedings of international conference SEMCCO11. Unable to resist my immaculate desire to learn even new things and filled with the inspiration to make something useful for the people I kept researching and this time speech processing caught my eye. I was selected for internship in Deutsche Telekom laboratories- TU Berlin (The RD Center of the largest telecommunications company in Europe). These 3 months of internship in a technologically advanced country gave me an international exposure. My continued interaction with scientists, professors and students from all around the world working in the lab filled me with extreme motivation and broadened my thinking. I worked on emotion recognition from speech and we extracted a new set of features which helped in improvement of accuracy and my paper got accepted in International conference ICECIT 2012, India and will be published by Elsevier. The interest in speech processing I developed in Berlin was to be further intensified as I choose to work on making a novel speaker and emotion recognition system in my final year B. Tech project under the supervision of an eminent professor in the field of Digital Signal Processing Prof. Ganapati Panda, Deputy Director and Head of school of Electrical Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar. Realizing the fact that Indian languages have not been studied much with the aspects of emotional speech, my first task became to create an Indian language database for the study. I experimented and found out that the traditional speaker recognition system failed in an emotional environment and needed to be modified to take emotions into account and I am working on it. To supplement and strengthen my domain knowledge, I am taking up course on Biomedical Signal Processing in my final year at IIT. Looking back and introspecting I have figured out the true meaning of the quote late Mr. Steve Jobs said in his 2005 Stanford Commencement Speech: â€Å"You cant connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. Connecting the dots I have realized my true ambition to do research work oriented towards the areas of machine learning, signal processing and pattern recognition aiming towards development of something useful for the mankind and a Masters course in Electrical Engineering would provide me an excellent platform for achieving the same. From the development of Intelligent Robots with the ability to learn natural language, understand emotions, having an improved vision system to the use of signal processing in medical applications all these have considerably motivated me to choose my future in this field. With the Mars Rover Curiosity marking a technological triumph, imagining a world in future where robots would be assisting humans in their daily work, where technology would be providing the cure for the differently abled people, where there will be an ceaseless growth of automation and where human computer interaction will reach to newer domains has not just remained a dream. I believe that my ambitions, academic excellence, research work are all in unison with what UCSB MS program in Electrical Engineering expects. In the research activities going on in various labs and research groups like Advanced Graphics Lab, Vision Research Lab, System Bio Imaging Lab I have found a marvelous synchronization of my ongoing research work. The amazing research work by Prof. Pradeep Sen in the field of computer graphics such as development of augmented reality based systems, the work by Prof Manjunath on image processing, the work by Prof. L. Rabiner on speech processing and many other works going on in an interdisciplinary environment such as in IGERT program have not only motivated me to join UCSB Electrical Engineering Dept. ut has left a deep influence on my mind to be a part of the change towards a better future. The intellectually rich, vibrant and multi-cultural student community at UCSB will manifold my process of learning and exploring the unexplored. It is said – â€Å"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan†. Here I am standing at an important path of my career and connecting all the dots I am sure about my goal, my future and sure about the perfect master’s program which will help me achieve my dreams.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Probability Theory Statistics :: essays research papers
The Collier Encyclopedia’s definition for probability is the concern for events that are not certain and the reasonableness of one expectation over another. These expectations are usually based on some facts about past events or what is known as statistics. Collier describes statistics to be the science of the classification and manipulation of data in order to draw inferences. Inferences here can be read to mean expectations, leading to the conclusion that the two go hand in hand in accomplishing what mankind has tried to accomplish since the beginning of time – predicting the future. It is the notion of science that this is the most accurate way to predict events yet to occur and this has lead to it being the most widely accepted “fortune telling'; tool in the world today. Probability and Statistics most widespread use is in the arena of gambling. Gambling is big all over the world and lots of money is won and lost with their aid. In horse racing especially the statistics of a horse in terms of its physical condition and winning history sway numbers of persons into believing that the mathematical evidence that is derived can actually be a good indicator of a race’s outcome. Usually it is if the odds or probability are great in favor of the desired outcome. However the future is uncertain and races can turn out any of a number of different ways. The field of medicine is another high subscriber to this forecasting technique. Potential diagnoses are frequently made based on a patient’s history or that of his ancestors and the calculated likelihood of him/her acquiring certain conditions. Statistics and probability aid in the decision making process of which test may be required for a given symptom and how a possible outbreak may be detected and contained. Strategies for isolating and dealing with diseases are often made with the aid of statistics on the percentage of a population that may have been infected and the probability of its escalation. The weather forecasters use probability and statistics just as much if not more than any other field on earth. As weather patterns are not fully understood and are dynamic, analysts have to rely heavily on past weather systems and patterns to “guess'; or estimate the possibility of present weather systems to behave in similar manners. If the probability of its behavior, subject to certain factors, in one manner over another is high forecasters make decisions as to how to advise the public.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Online Education Essay
Every parent’s dream is to influence their children with life skills that will guide them to success in the future. In most cases, parents usually work full time jobs to achieve extra income to save for their children college costs. A college education could very well be that â€Å"cherry on top of the ice cream†for parents, and give them a moment to relax and finally take a breather. Today we find young adults with jobs working as hard their parents once did. This made it difficult to balance both work and school for them. In some instances, parents are usually the child’s first role model and teach them to set the standard for a good foundation of direction and determination. Students have been finding different methods to make it work by balancing out their work and school schedules. For example, working various schedules has been difficult, to include, morning, midday or twilight shifts just to add school, in their schedule. The burden in juggling work, school and personal time resulted in school taking a back seat and leaving no room to attend a traditional classroom. Distance learning has opened the door to the education community, businesses and private companies in many ways to assist those by introducing classroom instruction via online. Online education has boomed the past few years and has given individuals the chance to further their education. Priorities have once again changed, and the percentage of online courses taken has risen. Nonetheless, there is still argument whether a learner can obtain the information online, vice receiving proper classroom education. The goal of this paper is to address the benefits of distance learning are to identify the values, soundness and impact of online education. The future of online education has already impacted us in some way. Can one recall ever reading anything off your computer, smart phone or tablet? That is right! Believe it or not one has been educating themselves via the internet already. The tools are there and why not take advantage of a higher education with a college and/or university. In the article, Tom Snyder stated that, â€Å"lifelong learning must now be a part of everyone’s career plan†. I could not agree more with that statement. Web-based programs are on a rise and to educate oneself in an online environment is a significant benefit. There is always online training that your job requires one to complete for career advancement, without having a web based education one will not be able to get the required training needed for promotion. Online education is similar to what web-based training has to offer. It has the same goal in pushing out the information to such student, and it primarily depends on what the student is willing to learn. For students to have success while taking an online course, they should be determine and motivated. Even though online education is a self paced class, one can get overwhelmed and fall behind quickly. Instructors are answering questions online when students may have a problem. They will have to become more involved with the students by interacting on a one on one basis vice the classroom setting. The traditional classroom will always be there, and some may prefer it, but online learning has many benefits that cannot get passed up. In the Marine Corps, its main focal point is to be tactfully and technically proficient in their everyday duties. In the article, Samuel Ellis captures the big picture and identifies importance of being vigilant around your surroundings and what to do during an incident involving an active shooter. A key point that Brad Plumer wrote in February was that, â€Å"there have been 43 mass shootings in 25 states over the past four years – or nearly one per month†. The Marine Corps took notice, and it was not too long that something had to get done. Marine net is a distance learning tool that allows Marines, civilian employees and contractors the ability to gain and attain information via online education. According to Pete Russett, director of Mission Assurance Branch, â€Å"The shooting at Fort Hood and other similar tragedies led to this training†. Although this requisite requires your full attention to improve your experience on procedures for active shooters, it also assures that we can be familiar with the procedures of an active shooter. To train the number of Marines and civilians in a short amount of time would have taken long in a face to face classroom. However, Marine net bridged that gap and has established the ability to push out information and instruct everyone in a timely manner. Some may refer to online education as â€Å"false education†by not receiving the proper education in a tradition classroom. The article, Online Education May Transform Higher Ed, Brian Burnsed wanted to let the reader know that online education is happening throughout all colleges and universities and not leaving anytime soon. There were interesting facts that shook the online education movement. For example, change is constant and never-ending with innovations making it easier for students to access the internet for online courses. According to Matthew Tabor’s article, Louis Soares said, â€Å"A disruptive innovation always starts out at a lower quality,†he says. â€Å"[But], if you take that for-profit energy out of higher education, online [education] would not have grown the way it has in the last 10 years. †There has been an increase of student enrollment for online programs at these institutes. In the past, one was able to receive an associates and/or bachelors degree at smaller institutions that were strictly online courses. The bigger named universities and colleges have taken notice and started to implement newer online programs for potential students. This strategy ensured that students were, in fact, choosing these recognized institutes for online education. In Brian Burnsheds’ article, Richard Garrett, managing director at research firm, said, â€Å"We’re at the beginning of elite schools starting to take online seriously†. The increase of mobile technology has jumped start the revolution of online education. Students are far more familiar with computers that ever before. There are many changes that would have to be developed to create an online program that assists the instructor and teaches the student at the same time. Will there have to be personnel changes? Would the institute hire online only Professors? These are some of the factors to creating an effective online program, but the need of online education has increased and must be solved. At the end of the day, there are more positives than negatives for adding more online courses; it is just inevitable that students will take an online course sometime in the near future. Online education has come a long way to make it easier for students to achieve a higher education. It can be time consuming and beneficial at the same time. for the individual that is organized, determined, and motivated to self educate themselves. Many are skeptical that an instructor is not teaching, but just pushing information over the internet to the course. It is the responsibility of the student to ask questions; to improve his online learning experience. The rising demand for online courses will continue to climb and be as effective as or better than a traditional classroom. Though, it can all change with the intentions the institution has with the visualization and authenticity of their online education programs.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
System of Linear Equation
SYSTEM OF LINEAR EQUATIONS IN TWO VARIABLES Solve the following systems: 1. ? ? x ? y ? 8 ? x ? y ? 2 by graphing by substitution by elimination by Cramer’s rule 2. ? ?2 x ? 5 y ? 9 ? 0 ? x ? 3y ? 1 ? 0 by graphing by substitution by elimination by Cramer’s rule 3. ? ?4 x ? 5 y ? 7 ? 0 ? 2 x ? 3 y ? 11 ? 0 by graphing by substitution by elimination by Cramer’s rule CASE 1: intersecting lines independent & consistent m1? m2 CASE 2: parallel lines inconsistent m1 = m2 ; b1 ? b2 CASE 3: coinciding lines consistent & dependent m1 = m2 ; b1 = b2 Classify the following system, whether (a) intersecting, (b) parallel, or (c) coinciding lines 1. ? ? 3 x ? 4 y ? 1 ? 0 ? 3 x ? 4 y ? 2 ? 0 ? 3 x ? 4 y ? 1 ? 0 ? 6 x ? 8 y ? 2 ? 0 Solve the following systems in three variables: 1. ?3 x ? 4 y ? z ? 1 2. ? x ? y ? 2 ? ? x ? 4 y ? 3z ? 3 ? 3 x ? 2 y ? 2 z ? 0 ? ________ ? ? 3 y ? z ? 1 ? x ? 2 z ? 7 ? 2. ? ________ 3. ? ?2 x ? 5 y ? 1 ? 0 ? 5 ? x ? 2 y ? 2 ? 0 ? ?2 x ? ? 1 ? 4 x ? 2 y ? 3 ? x ? 2 y ? 1 ? 0 ? 2 x ? y ? 1 ________ 4. ? ________ 5. ? ________ ?1 ? x ? ? Solve ? ?1 ? ?x ? 2 ? 3 y 3 ? 2 y Problem solving Form a system of equations from the problems given below. A) (MIXTURE PROBLEM 1) How many pounds of a 35% salt solution and a 14% salt solution should be combined so that a 50 pounds of a 20% solution is obtained? B) (UNIFORM MOTION) Two motorists start at the same time from two places 128 km apart and drive toward each other. One drives 10kph than the other. If they met after 48 minutes (that is, 4/5 hr), find the average speed of each. C) A dietician is preparing a meal consisting of foods A, B, and C as shown in the table below. Fat Protein Carbohydrate If the meal must provide exactly 24 units of fat, 25 Food A 3 2 4 units of protein, and 21 units of carbohydrate, how Food B 2 3 1 many ounces of each food should be used? Food C 3 3 2
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Definition, Usage, and Examples of Italics
Definition, Usage, and Examples of Italics Italics is a style of typeface in which letters slant to the right: This sentence is printed in italics. Verb: italicize. In handwriting, the equivalent of italics is underlining. As shown below, italics are most commonly used for the titles of works that stand by themselves, such as the names of books, films, and video games. Another customary use of italics is to give emphasis to key words and phrases in a sentence. Although its important to use italics appropriately in formal, academic writing, italic type is not always available in less formal communications, such as in emails and text messages. Etymology From the Latin, Italy Guidelines for Using Italics As a general rule, italicize the titles of complete works: Albums and CDs: 1989 by Taylor SwiftBooks: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper LeeMagazines and journals (print and online): Sports Illustrated, Slate, and Journal of LinguisticsNewspapers: The New York TimesMovies: The MartianPlays: A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine HansberrySoftware programs: Microsoft PowerPoint Television programs: Doctor WhoVideo games: Grand Theft Auto VWorks of art: Nighthawks by Edward Hopper The titles of comparatively short works- songs, poems, short stories, essays, and episodes of TV programs- should be enclosed in quotation marks. As a general rule, italicize the names of aircraft, ships, and trains; foreign words used in an English sentence; and words and letters discussed as words and letters: These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise.From 1925 to 1953, a passenger train named the Orange Blossom Special brought vacationers to sunny Florida from New York.There is no danger that Titanic will sink. The boat is unsinkable and nothing but inconvenience will be suffered by the passengers.Come kiss me, and say goodbye like a man. No, not good-bye, au revoir.Every word she writes is a lie, including and and the. As a general rule, use italics to emphasize words and phrases- but dont overwork this device: Then I started reading this timetable I had in my pocket. Just to stop lying. Once I get started, I can go on for hours if I feel like it. No kidding. Hours. Observations Italics rarely fail to insult the readers intelligence. More often than not they tell us to emphasize a word or phrase that we would emphasize automatically in any natural reading of the sentence.Think of italics as butterflies that might swoop across the page, allow them to flit about, land here and there, softly; gently; dont treat them as a blanket that must spread itself across the entire page. The butterfly approach will bring a dash of color; the blanket approach will darken everything.Underlining is to... handwritten papers what italics are to more formal publishing... Today the only widespread use of underlined text is to denote clickable links in Web documents. (The newspaper convention, which I use as a newspaperman and which was also a response to a technical inability to use italics, is quotation marks for book, movie, and other titles.) Pronunciation ih-TAL-iks Sources Title sequence of the original Star Trek TV series Phillip Franklin, Vice President of White Star Line William Graham, Chats With Jane Clermont, 1893 Mary McCarthy on Lillian Hellman J. D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, 1951 Paul Robinson, The Philosophy of Punctuation. Opera, Sex, and Other Vital Matters. University of Chicago Press, 2002 William Noble, Nobles Book of Writing Blunders (and How to Avoid Them). Writers Digest Books, 2006 Bill Walsh, The Elephants of Style. McGraw-Hill, 2004
Monday, October 21, 2019
Admin Assistants Develop your phone skills for the office
Admin Assistants Develop your phone skills for the office You may think having an excellent phone manner is an outdated relic- after all, wont everyone just email if they want something? Not necessarily- if youre in an admin or customer service field, talking on the phone might still be a part of your everyday reality. And even if youre not, a good phone manner never goes out of style and can add a veneer of professionalism to your image in whatever job you do.Here are a few tips on how to be a boss at manning ye olde telephone.Have a formal greeting.Unless you know it’s your coworker Bob, or your spouse, or your boss calling you back after getting disconnected, come up with a professional way to answer calls. Be polite and informative: â€Å"Good morning/afternoon/evening. [Name of Company.] [Your name] speaking .†If you’re serving in an operator capacity, you can add something along the lines of â€Å"How may I direct your call?†It may seem silly, but it helps to think of a few variations and try them out lou d to pick the one that comes most naturally.Only answer if youre ready to talk.That means answering promptly (not making someone wait for 14 rings), but also making sure not to answer if you have your mouth full of coffee or lunch or if there’s a big commotion going on at your desk. If someone is calling you they want to you to hear what they have to say and respond with clarity.Take excellent messages.If you’re answering the phone for more than just yourself, make sure you take good messages. Work out with your boss the exact information you should get from everyone who calls. Never be too shy to ask for spelling clarification on a name or email address, or return phone number information.Leave excellent messages.If you hit an answering machine, speak slowly and clearly. Give your name and contact info at the beginning and again at the end so the person jotting down your details won’t have to listen to the whole thing again to get your number if they missed it at the beginning. Be succinct, but don’t leave out any important or relevant details- such as the reason for your call. Spell things you think might be garbled, especially by bad cell reception.Charm and disarm.Anger and frustration can magnify over the phone, especially when you cant throw an empathetic facial expression the way of someone ranting and raving. If youre in a position to deal with difficult or outraged clients or customers, youll have to pacify with your words. First and foremost, let the person know youre listening (I hear how upset you are and I understand why.). Then, let him or her know you will try to get to the root of the problem and fix it. Shouting back and getting snippy or curt will not help- it will usually only incense the caller more. Most people just want to be heard.Use names.Whenever possible, throw in the name of the person you are speaking to. Addressing someone this way makes a professional conversation feel more personal and less remote. Yo u don’t have to feel distant just because you’re not in the room together. And this goes both ways- make sure to always identify yourself early on with your own full name!Be sincere and kind.Having a good phone manner doesn’t mean being a phony. Sure, you should be cheerful, enunciate clearly, and speak articulately, but don’t put on a persona that isn’t anything like your true self. Be the best and brightest professional version of yourself while being as genuine and as frank as possible. People can hear a lot of body language through the phone, and smiling is the clearest way to communicate positivity.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Employers Favor State Schools for Hires †But Ivy League is Still the Best Pick
Employers Favor State Schools for Hires – But Ivy League is Still the Best Pick As the owner of a company that coaches students on their college applications to Ivy League and other elite liberal arts schools, I was disconcerted to read a Wall Street Journal study finding that the largest public and private companies, nonprofits and government agencies favor graduates who did not attend Ivy League Colleges. In fact, Cornell University is the only Ivy League school that ranked in the top 25. The top picks? Pennsylvania State University, Texas AM University, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Despite this apparent problem for my business, I thought it fair to share the article with my readers. And thankfully, upon further thought, I realized that it is not a problem at all. Here’s why: If you think you will go on to obtain a graduate degree, this report does not apply. It did not provide any information about how many Ivy League graduates go on to graduate school, or what the rates of employment are for Ivy League graduates with advanced degrees. And we know from that â€Å"the typical Ivy League bachelor’s graduate earns about 27 percent more early in their career, and about 47 percent more by the time he or she is about 40, than the typical bachelor’s graduate from all U.S. schools.†How can we reconcile these apparently contradictory pieces of information? What I make of all this is that if you don’t plan on going to graduate school, it might behoove you to attend a state school or other school on the Wall Street Journal’s list. If law, medical, business or other graduate school is in your future, Ivy League is still the way to go. And although I don’t have a report to back it up, I believe many Ivy-bound high school graduates have no intention of calling four years a complete education. What do you think? Will this information affect where you or your son or daughter applies to college? For the full Wall Street Journal article go to Employers Favor State Schools for Hires. Also see Penn State Tops Recruiter Rankings. And if Ivy League or top liberal arts schools are still in your or your child’s future, call The Essay Expert at 608-467-0067 or visit our College Essay Services page.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Sui dynasty, The Tang Dynasty, The Song Dynasty Essay
The Sui dynasty, The Tang Dynasty, The Song Dynasty - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that China’s political landscape in the ancient period was characterized by dynasties which were often ruled by members of the same family. These dynasties would only relinquish power through subversion. The following is an analysis of the political, social and economic changes that occurred during the Sui, Tang and Song dynasty. The Sui dynasty lasted for a relatively short period – around 580 – 618 AD. Its existence, however, marked significant changes in the political structure, social and economic life of the Chinese. One of the notable changes in the political structure was the unification of northern and southern China. Emperor Wen, the founder of Sui dynasty is credited with this achievement. Sui dynasty’s main economic accomplishment was the extension of the Grand Canal. The canal facilitated transport of agricultural produce such as grain to the city. Socially, the Sui dynasty is accredited with bridging the gap between the rich and the poor through the Equal-field system. In this system, the land was owned by the government which in turn would distribute it to all individuals, including slaves. Tang dynasty can be traced to the period 618-907 AD. It was founded following the collapse of the Sui dynasty. Tang dynasty was characterized by prosperity. This was due to the enlightened political system put in place. A strict legal system guided by a legal code strengthened the administrative arm of Tang dynasty. A total of 10 political districts were established which enabled easier administration.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Maritime law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Maritime law - Coursework Example This is the absolute duty that the ship or the vessel owner owes to the seamen who are involved in the voyage, for the protection of any risk that might face their lives emanating from the unworthiness or lack proper maintenance of the ship. Thus, if any event of collision or accident occurs in the sea, due to the un-seaworthiness of the ship or the vessel, then the owner of the ship or the vessel is liable for the damage, and the appropriate liabilities shall befall the owner3. This includes the liabilities of all the damages incurred on the cargo, the seamen or the other ships or vessels that could have collided with the unseaworthy ship or the vessel, during the course of their voyage. Among the cardinal duty of the ship or vessel owner is to provide a seaworthy ship or vessel. The doctrine of seaworthiness is the cardinal principle of the Maritime law, considering that the issue of seaworthiness of a ship or a vessel directly affects the liabilities of various stakeholders in the Maritime Law, who may include the liability of the carrier, the marine insurance and the environment4. The concept of seaworthiness of a ship or a vessel is provided under the law, as the presence of all pipes, pumps, heater coils and all the other components of the ship or the vessel, which are in good working order. Thus, the law is further interpreted to mean that the fundamental responsibility of the ship or the vessel owner, which he owes to the seamen; both operating the ship he owns or the seamen operating other ships or vessels on the water body, is to ensure that the ship or the vessels are fit to undergo the hazards of the sea, or any other incidental risk that may occur along the voyage, which the ship or the vessel might be exposed in the course of the voyage, without necessarily having such risks being contributed in any way, by the un-seaworthiness of the ship or the vessel6. This being the case, the owner of the ship bears all the liability in case of an accident, co llision, damage or injury occurring to the vessels, the ship or the seamen, which emanates from any aspect of the ship being unworthy for the sea voyage. However, as s reprieve to the owner of the ship or the vessel to be involved in a voyage, the concept of seaworthiness of the ship or the vessel was lessened only to include the worthiness of that ship or vessel, at the start of the voyage2. Therefore, while there are many instances that may arise where a vessel could be identified as being unseaworthy, the only liability that the owner of the ship or the vessel can bear, is that of the ship or the vessel being unseaworthy at the start of the voyage, while the other aspects of un-seaworthiness, which might occur in the course of the voyage, are deemed incidental and thus the liability is assessed differently3. According to the provisions of the Maritime law, there are several conditions that may constitute the un-seaworthiness of the ship or the vessel in voyage. First, a stowage w hich may affect in any way the safety of the ship or the vessel is considered unseaworthy, and thus constitutes the un-seaworthiness condition of the ship or the vesse7. Secondly, any deficient systems ashore or on board the ship or
Banking Globalization and Global Imbalances Essay
Banking Globalization and Global Imbalances - Essay Example As such, in order for a bank to operate profitably in the foreign market, it must be able to gain or realize gains that are not available to local competitors. These gains to be realized when a bank is operating in foreign financial sector usually stem from; geographical risk diversification, competitive and comparative advantage factors and efficiencies that are not attained when operating exclusively in the local markets. On comparative advantages, better intermediation technologies, superior management quality, and innovative products are among the factors frequently cited by both the internalization theory and the electric theory of multinational corporations (De Haas & Lelyveld 2010). However, these factors are not permanent in the case of banks diversifying internationally based on the assumption that financial firms usually have intangible assets that cannot be imitated and management quality is easily transferable. Information is a crucial comparative advantage for a bank to operate in abroad markets. Organizations prefer doing business with a less number of banks to ensure that their sensitive financial information is not revealed to too many financial firms. As such, once a bank establishes a relationship with an organization, it has a competitive advantage in serving the firm’s operations in the foreign markets. The increased importance of information in the banking sector has resulted to the shift from cross-border borrowing and lending towards the foreign banks’ local operations in the emerging countries (Mariotti & Piscitello, 2010). One of the best ways of exploiting comparative advantages arising from the private information in foreign markets is following the client. This means that banks usually expand in the countries where their client choose to invest so that they can be able to offer them services that they need.Â
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Generating Evidance for Evidence-based Practice Thesis Proposal
Generating Evidance for Evidence-based Practice - Thesis Proposal Example Organizational culture is often discussed hand-in-hand with readiness assessment when thinking of the implementation of systems such as an electronic based competency records because organizational cultures are not readily changed and as such, if there is no effective readiness assessment in place, changes are that the changes will not be effectively undertaken. Having said this, it is important to point out that readiness assessment is a much integrated approach that is used in measuring how agile the need to undertake changes within a healthcare facility can take place. In effect, a readiness assessment that is directed at comparing the effect of completeness when converting inpatient registered nurse competency records from a paper to an electronic document system would consider a number of factors and that could either speed up the change process or slow it down. Some of these factors could be internal or external and generally constitute the environmental factors affecting chang e (Grayson, 2008). Specific examples of these could be mentioned as issues of technology, infrastructure, personnel, social adaptability, among others. Problem Description Background of the problem The importance of RN competence records can never be overshadowed in a healthcare setting where the need for ensuring high class training of nurses is a priority (Kalb, 1999). In the midst of the relevance and importance of keeping competence records in ensuring positive nurse attitude, nurse functions and education, it will be admitted that there is currently a paradigm shift where much focus is no the use of technology in guaranteeing and assuring efficiency and effectiveness (McKessy et al, 2008). It is against this background that it is important to assess the impact that an electronic competence record would have on nursing practice. Stakeholders/change agents In a bid to ensuring the effective use of RN competence records, there are a number of stakeholders whose roles stand out so clear and importantly in the delivery of responsibilities. Whether by the use of the traditional paper and pen competence records system or by using the electronic system, certain key stakeholders need to play relevant roles to bring about changes in the delivery of responsibilities within the hospital responsible for the training of the nurses. On a broader perspective, these stakeholders will be identified as the curriculum planners, supervisors/trainers, nurses/trainees, and the larger society. As stakeholders, the present proposal is going to affect these agents directly. For example the curriculum planners are going to be equipped with useful policies that need to be incorporated into existing curriculum provisions for trained and registered nurses in order to ensure a sound transition from traditional competence records to electronic competence records. Supervisors and trainers are also going to have their works and duties enhanced whiles the larger community is going to benef it from an effectively trained nurse with all necessary competence mastered. The evidence-based question Throughout the conduct of the evidence-based practice, there is going to be one pivotal question that is going to guide the researcher on the trend of data collection and the scope of literature review. Essentially, the evidence-base
The book Marriage Morals by Bertrand Russell Essay
The book Marriage Morals by Bertrand Russell - Essay Example It contests and lobbies against LGBT rights, divorce, abortion, embryonic stem-cell study and pornography. Marriage and Morals is an old book written by philosopher Bertrand Russell, and that questions the Victorian perceptions of morality concerning marriage and sex (Russell 2). Contrast issues The Liberation of Women: chapter seven of the book advocates for women liberty; however, the approaches contrasts the morals the title claim. The chapter claims that the sex education provided by many books is insufficient to curb immorality. The only fixation that will suffice is to eliminate from young women all chances of being by themselves with men: girls must be prohibited to make their living by work outside the residence; they should never be permitted an outing unless in a company of their mother or an aunt; the unfortunate practice of going to boogies without a chaperon ought to be sternly stamped out. The book suggest that to avoid immorality of unmarried women there should be a mo nthly medical checkup carried out by police doctors and these doctors preferably castrated, and non-virgins to be sent to penitentiary(Russell 82). The chapter continue to suggest that the use of contraceptives and talking to unmarried women to be prohibited. The author asserts that if this is carried out for several years then the tide of immorality will be curbed. The concept is comparable with FRC effort to make women free from oppression; however, the approach differs. FRC has processes to encourage women freedom in a more humane manner as contrasted to suggestion that the book provides. It supports a federal ethics clause, permitting medical employees to refuse to give certain treatments to their clients, such as procurement of abortion, blood transfusion or birth control. It also supports for abstinence- and encourages sex education, intelligent design and entreaty in public schools, and the control of pornography and other "obscene, profane, indecent, or program on broadcast and cable television (Stange 510). In both cases, there is advocacy for restriction; however, the approaches differ. The book suggestions are not liberty related they are a different form of oppression of women in pretext of curbing immorality. The book gives a presumption that immorality can be controlled through restriction of women activities. Sex Morality: Chapter 8 of the book discuses the taboo on sex knowledge, it claims that frank pornography would do less damage if it were open and unashamed than it does when it is rendered interesting by secrecy and stealth(Russell 89). This is contrary to FRC stand on pornography since it is against it and advocates for the control of pornography and other indecent, obscene, profane, or program on broadcast and cable television. The book argues that the taboo against nudity is an obstruction to a decent approach on the topic of sex. It proposes that it is in order for children to observe each other and their parents nude when it so happen s naturally. There will be a short time, most likely at about three years of age, when the youngster is fascinated in the dissimilarity between the mother and the father, and compares them with the variances between themselves and other siblings, but this stage is soon ended, and subsequent to this they take no more interest in nakedness than in clothes. This is a contrasting fact with FRC stands that condemns any form of obscenity (Stange 510). The book considered homosexuality to be immoral when it
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Generating Evidance for Evidence-based Practice Thesis Proposal
Generating Evidance for Evidence-based Practice - Thesis Proposal Example Organizational culture is often discussed hand-in-hand with readiness assessment when thinking of the implementation of systems such as an electronic based competency records because organizational cultures are not readily changed and as such, if there is no effective readiness assessment in place, changes are that the changes will not be effectively undertaken. Having said this, it is important to point out that readiness assessment is a much integrated approach that is used in measuring how agile the need to undertake changes within a healthcare facility can take place. In effect, a readiness assessment that is directed at comparing the effect of completeness when converting inpatient registered nurse competency records from a paper to an electronic document system would consider a number of factors and that could either speed up the change process or slow it down. Some of these factors could be internal or external and generally constitute the environmental factors affecting chang e (Grayson, 2008). Specific examples of these could be mentioned as issues of technology, infrastructure, personnel, social adaptability, among others. Problem Description Background of the problem The importance of RN competence records can never be overshadowed in a healthcare setting where the need for ensuring high class training of nurses is a priority (Kalb, 1999). In the midst of the relevance and importance of keeping competence records in ensuring positive nurse attitude, nurse functions and education, it will be admitted that there is currently a paradigm shift where much focus is no the use of technology in guaranteeing and assuring efficiency and effectiveness (McKessy et al, 2008). It is against this background that it is important to assess the impact that an electronic competence record would have on nursing practice. Stakeholders/change agents In a bid to ensuring the effective use of RN competence records, there are a number of stakeholders whose roles stand out so clear and importantly in the delivery of responsibilities. Whether by the use of the traditional paper and pen competence records system or by using the electronic system, certain key stakeholders need to play relevant roles to bring about changes in the delivery of responsibilities within the hospital responsible for the training of the nurses. On a broader perspective, these stakeholders will be identified as the curriculum planners, supervisors/trainers, nurses/trainees, and the larger society. As stakeholders, the present proposal is going to affect these agents directly. For example the curriculum planners are going to be equipped with useful policies that need to be incorporated into existing curriculum provisions for trained and registered nurses in order to ensure a sound transition from traditional competence records to electronic competence records. Supervisors and trainers are also going to have their works and duties enhanced whiles the larger community is going to benef it from an effectively trained nurse with all necessary competence mastered. The evidence-based question Throughout the conduct of the evidence-based practice, there is going to be one pivotal question that is going to guide the researcher on the trend of data collection and the scope of literature review. Essentially, the evidence-base
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Turkey make people sleepy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Turkey make people sleepy - Essay Example According to my personal experience to this matter; eating a lot of turkey makes me tired and consequently, I resort to taking a nap. Mary Ann’s theory questions if the thanks giving feast sleepiness and tiredness aspect could explain this lethargy. The friend of mine - Martin, who is visiting my town for summer holidays, and who had earlier admitted to this myth had even warned us that â€Å"if you serve a lot of turkey in any party or dinner, you are definitely going to fall asleep in front of your companions†. Everyone else thinks that my reason on this matter is misplaced as it is logical that eating a lot of any meal can make one sluggish and tired, but to some extent, I think that one can be surer of getting tired after eating turkey than with other meals – even after moderate consumption of turkey. In a more professional context on this matter, the story has been reasoned out by the fact that turkey contains tryptophan and amino acid contents that tend to make people tired and sleepy. However, this has also contributed to a controversy as other animals’ products and meat contains some level of these substances as well. â€Å"This is based on a little right information, but just misapplies and misunderstood†, this is what Fiona Martinez – a professor of molecular nutrition from Minnesota University had to say. Turkey traditionally has been regarded as the main meal in the thanksgiving ceremonies. Funnily, it has been observed that after these ceremonies, people tend to get tired and sleepy. This fact has made a lot of people to actually conclude that the contents of turkey are the primary reason that leads to these conditions. Therefore, many people believe in the myth that eating turkey makes people sleepy. However, in the holiday or festive seasons where a lot of people take turkey, these seasons have also been characterize by the intake of other food substances such as lots of dessert and drinks that contain al cohol are equally usually consumed during these seasons. This has also raised more hypotheses as far as this myth is concerned. A lot of individuals have claimed that it is the dessert and the alcoholic drinks taken after consuming turkey that leads to this feeling of laziness and tiredness. Otherwise, a majority of people still believe in the myth that turkey contains a natural sedative that induces sleepiness. Part II The myth around turkey has been investigated by various scholars and researchers and they have come out with different conclusions as regards to the matter. Turkey in real sense does not make people sleepy. What scientists have concluded to be the cause of this myth is the L-tryptophan which is an essential amino acid (Hirshkowitz, Max & Patricia Pg 105). Being an essential amino acid, it means that a human body cannot produce or synthesize it. Therefore, the diet we take must supply our bodies with the essential amino acid. Amino acids are the blocks that build prot eins. One of the foods rich in tryptophan is turkey. Besides, tryptophan is also found in other animal products especially poultry. When it enters the body, it is utilized in making a vitamin B which is called niacin and is essential for ensuring smooth digestion as well as in the synthesis of serotonin. Serotonin on the other side is a brain hormone or chemical which plays a major role in the regulation
Monday, October 14, 2019
Fast food restaurant Essay Example for Free
Fast food restaurant Essay Introduction †¢ Franklin Pierce College was founded in 1962 by Frank S. DiPietro †¢ This research project was conducted from September to December of 2004 for the population of Franklin Pierce College. †¢ The population of our survey was based on the 1,591 Franklin Pierce College students on the Rindge campus. 2 Problem Statement Our research team came to the conclusion that there is a lack of fast food facilities in the Rindge area. We came to the conclusion that: Research is necessary to determine if Franklin Pierce College students would patronize a fast food chain in Rindge, NH 3 Research Objectives. †¢ Determine what criteria are important to consumers with respect to patronizing a fast food establishment. †¢ Determine which fast food restaurant would be most successful in the area. †¢ Determine fast food spending habits. 4 Methodology †¢ First, our team identified the problem of the lack of fast food restaurant choices in the area. We conducted primary research on the fast food industry, as well as speaking to others on campus to determine the fast food demand. †¢ We then created our problem statement. †¢ We then created our research objectives, and created our survey with our objectives in mind. †¢ We used convenience sampling, by handing out surveys to 30 students (15 boys and 15 girls) of each class standing, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior. †¢ We analyzed our data using SPSS software, which created our results so that we could determine our conclusions and recommendations. 5 Survey Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Are you on the Meal Plan? How many times a month do you go to the Raven’s Nest Pub? Please circle your response. Which fast food restaurant do you most prefer? Please Rate the following statements: I get hungry between the hours of 10pm and 3 am. I travel outside of Rindge for food. I patronize fast food establishments. I prefer fast food restaurants with the drive-thru option. Based on your own experiences which of the following restaurants has the best customer satisfaction? 6 Survey Continued 9. 10. 11. 12. If there were more fast food options in the Rindge area would you patronize them? What fast food chain would you like to see come to Rindge, New Hampshire? Check the appropriate gender. What’s you current class standing? 7 Are you on the Meal Plan? 25% Yes NO 75% Mode= 1 (yes) 8 How many times a month do you go to the Raven’s Nest Pub? 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 3 6 9 MEAN 9 Which fast food restaurant do you most prefer? 12% 2% Papa Johns 14% McDonalds 11% Wendys Subway 23% 38% Mode= 3 (Wendy’s). Burger King Other 10 I get Hungry between the hours of 10pm and 3am. Mean 2. 13 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 0 10 20 30 40 11 I Travel outside of Rindge for food. 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree 2. 38 Disagree Strongly Disagree MEAN MEAN 12 I prefer fast food with the drive-thru option. Mean 2. 53 Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree 0 10 20 30 40 13 I Patronize fast food establishments. MEAN 2. 37 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 0 10 20 30. 40 14 Which of the following restaurants has the best customer satisfaction? 15% 8% 14% Papa Johns McDonalds 8% Wendys Subway Burger King 29% 26% Other Mode= 4 (Subway) 15 Cross Tabulations A you on the meal plan? * What i s your current cl ass standing? Crosstabulation re Count Are y ou on the meal plan? y es no Tot al What is y our c urrent class standing? Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior 30 30 14 16 16 14 30 30 30 30 Tot al 90 30 120 Case Processing Summary N Are you on the meal plan? * What is your current class standing? Valid Percent 120 100. 0% Cases Missing N Percent 0 .0% N Total Percent 120 100. 0% 16 Cross Tabulations. Case Processing Summary N Based on y our own esperiences, which of the f ollowing retaurant s has the best c ustomer sat isf action? * C heck the appropriate gender: Valid Percent 102 85. 0% N Cas es Missing Percent 18 15. 0% N Tot al Percent 120 100. 0% Based on you r o wn esp er ien ces, whi ch of th e fo llo win g r etaur an ts has th e b est cu sto mer sati sfactio n ? * C heck the ap pr o pr iate gen d er : Cr o sstabu latio n Count Based on y our own esperiences, which of the f ollowing retaurant s has the best c ustomer sat isf action? Tot al Papa Johns McDonalds Wendy s Subway Burger King Check t he appropriat e gender: Male F emale 6 4 7 10 15 16 16 18 6 4 50 52 Tot al 10 17 31 34 10 102 17 Cross Tabulations Case Processin g Summary N Which f ast f ood restaurant do y ou m ost pref er? * If t here were m ore f ast f ood options in the Rindge area, would y ou patronize t hem ? Valid Percent 106 88. 3% N Cas es Missing Percent 14 Tot al Percent N 11. 7% 120 100. 0% Wh ich fast fo od restau rant do you most p refer? * If th ere were more fast foo d o ptio ns in th e Rin dg e area, wou ld yo u p atro ni ze them? Cro sstab u latio n Count Which f ast f ood restaurant do y ou m ost pref er? Tot al Papa Johns McDonalds Wendy s Subway Burger King. If t here were more f as t f ood options in the Rindge area, would y ou patronize them? Y es No 2 12 5 37 9 21 7 12 1 84 22 Tot al 2 17 46 28 13 106 18 Limitations †¢ Small sample size †¢ Time †¢ Confusion of questions by our respondents (question 9) †¢ Lack of knowledge of SPSS software 19 Conclusions †¢ Based on our results the top three restaurants students selected to their preference were : Wendy’s with a 38. 3% rating. Second was Subway with 23. 3%, and McDonald’s with 14. 2%. †¢ 64. 2% reported that they travel outside of Rindge for food. †¢ 59. 2% students reported that they patronize fast food restaurants. 20 Conclusions Continued †¢ 78. 3% of students reported that they would patronize a fast food establishment in Rindge. †¢ Subway was recorded as having the highest customer satisfaction ratings at 28. 3%, Wendy’s followed with 25. 8%. 21 Discussion †¢ More than 87. 5% of respondents surveyed replied strongly agree, agree, or neutral when asked if they would patronize a fast food restaurant. †¢ We found that our research for our literature review stated that McDonald’s was the top choice for favorite fast food restaurant. Our survey showed that students would prefer a Wendy’s. †¢ We also found that our research stated that Papa John’s had the highest rating for customer service. Our survey respondents had little to no knowledge of the Papa John’s restaurant. 22 Recommendations †¢ A fast food restaurant should open in the Rindge area, preferably close to campus. †¢ There should be a drive-thru option based on our surveys results of 50% of students strongly agreeing or agreeing with this option. †¢ There should be a fast food establishment which offers late night service for students. Our survey resulted that 70. 8% of students strongly agreed or agreed that they get hungry between the hours of 10pm and 3am. 23 The end Thank you for your time Any Questions? 24.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Literature Review On Swimming Physical Education Essay
Literature Review On Swimming Physical Education Essay As in many sports, swimming technique is most important to performance. The smooth and perfect in the process of movement, whether stroking through the water, lifting weights or swinging a club, relates to enhanced performance and decrease in change of injury. (Riewald 2003). To swim fast, a swimmer must engage in a constant battle of trying to maximize the propulsive force he experiences. Swimmers adopt many different techniques in an attempt to accomplish this feat; sometimes these techniques are good, other times not so good. Technique also plays a role in injury prevention, as poor mechanics often place stresses on joints and structures in the body that they were not meant to handle. (Riewald 2003) 2.2 Components of Swim Performance The factors that can influence swimming performance can be classified into three categories which are the psychological factor, physiological and biomechanical factor. The psychological is the main factor that contributes to swim enhancement of performance. The field of physiological and biomechanical also makes up a huge portion to influence swim performance. These complex areas are important to be study in order to establish a meaningful relationship of speed and power in swim performance. 2.3 Physiology of Swimming For the past 30 years, the physiology of swimming has been explored extensively. Many areas of the physiology contribute to several studies. Swimming, like other forms of exercise, involves the muscle contraction that results in a desired motor output. In order to produce a movement, skeletal muscles must stimulate via nervous impulse. Muscular contraction causes by this impulse. While the movement of the joint results from the muscle pull on bone structures. In swimming, these movements if often occur especially among competitive swimmers (McArdle 2003). The studies of physiology on competitive swimmers become popular after the 1960à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s (Lavoie, 2004). The study begins to focus on association between energy expenditure and velocity. At that time, it belief that a exponential relationship existed within energy cost and swimming velocity. Later, Montpetit (2001) discover that this is actually a linear relationship. Lacour (2003) reported that the energy cost of swimming is closely depended on swimming technique, body size, swimming velocity and level of performance. It concludes that as resistance increases, swimming velocity will also increase. This major discover demonstrates that the importance to overcome resistance physically over a given distance in a certain period of time. Nervous system and muscular force is other physiological factors that important to swimming performance. The nervous system plays an important role in swimming performance because it helps to determine how quickly and forcefully a movement takes place. It is also the precursor of the movement. As a swimmers practice the same movement repeatedly, it become an adaptation and the movement pattern is remembered by the brain. The result or the end of the practice is an increase in the efficiency of the movement. Due training, it can improve the force of movement by causing an increase in the recruitment of motor units (Katch 2006). The larger motor units recruited, the more muscle fibers will be contracted. Contracting muscle fibers will increase systematically as the muscle force increases. Training can cause increased innervations to a group of muscles which can improve speed of contraction and recruitment of muscles (Maglischo 2003). Proper nervous stimulation and size of the muscle will produce the muscular force. Specific type of training can cause increase the size of the muscle or better known as hypertrophy and thus more powerful strength can be produce via motor output. This absolute strength is determined by its cross sectional area (Zatsiorsky 2005). The larger the muscle, the greater the force produced. However, increase in the muscle size and muscle mass also can have adverse effects on biomechanical of the swimmer which by the increasing contractile force at certain level. It is a serious matter to look upon when considering the training especially to the competitive swimmers, to well known of how much strength that increases will be beneficial and not beneficial to them. Since the two components of power are strength and speed, it is vital focus to improve strength in order to create potential of more power. 2.4 Biomechanics of Swimming Biomechanics is interesting area of study because this area of study shows much potential to enhance the swim performance. 10% increase in swimming technique provided increase over a range of performance rather than maximal aerobic and anaerobic power (Toussaint and Hollander 2004). Toussaint and Beek (2002) reported that the success for competitive swimmers relies on swimmers aptitude to produce force and to decrease resistance which to encountered during forward movement in the water. Logically, water is denser than air. Therefore, swimmers will encounter more resistance when attempting the movement. Besides that, as the rate of velocity decreases, there is a proportional decrease in the resistance of the water. Resistance of the water is at the top area of the swimmers that against water as the body move through it. Drag, is the motion of resistance to the swimmers. (Malinlisho 2003). There are two type of drag which are passive and active drag. Passive drag is described as the resistance on the swimmers body in a static position (Chatard 2000). While active drag is the resistance of water that against the moving body. Measurement of the active drag is reported slightly higher than passive drag (Kolmogorov, Rumyantseva, Gordon Cappaert 2007). It is important to note that of the two types of drag, passive drag cannot be altered and it is constant speed, but increases a higher velocity. Passive drag is an important factor in the speed of the swimmer from a start or a turn off of a wall. The less passive drag a swimmer has, the more slowly they will lose momentum. Passive drag is related to the frontal surface area of an individual. Passive drag has been reported to be a factor that can contribute to the prediction of swimming performance (Chatard and Lacour 2000). Velocity of swimming has been associated with drag, power input and power output (Toussaint Beek 2002). Active drag can be modified on efficiency based on technique of swimming action (Toussaint 2002). Clarys (2003) stated that predominant factor in active drag was the swimming technique. It also stated that measurements of active drag on elite swimmers are lower than non- elite swimmers. While study by Kolmogorov (2007) reported that active drag for freestyle was less compared to breastroke swimming. It also reported that mechanical power output for skilled swimmer is lesser than mechanical power output in less skilled swimmers. This assumed because of the cost of swimming for an elite swimmer is much lower than a non-elite swimmer. The more biomechanically efficient a swimmer is, the less energy requires swimming at faster rate of speed (Toussaint 2002). Further, as increase in velocity, the resistance of the water will also increase. Swimmers with more active drag have to produce more force on the water to go a certain speed and vice versa. (Maglischo 2003). The level of the athletes, anthropometric measures, velocity and swimming efficiency are related to the cost of swimming. These costs are similar either in men neither women that given similar relative measures (Chatard 2001) Chatard (2000) also stated that passive drag is determining by the frontal body area which can influence performance. Other factor that is related to the biomechanics of swimming is the length of the swimmer. Larsen, Yanchen and Baer (2000) reported that, having length is one of the reasons why successful competitive swimmer is taller in height compared to others. Length of the swimmer will lesser their drag in the water. Further, successful swimmers achieve greater distance per stroke than less skilled swimmers (Craig 2005). Distance per stroke and stroke rate somehow is controlled by swimming velocity. Distance per stroke is best defined as the distance traveled in the water by a swimmer with each arm pull. And stroke rate is frequency of how fast the arms can move. Faster swimmers in freestyle had a longer distance per stroke and maintaining a slower stroke rate (Craig and colleagues 2005). An experience swimmer can control their speed by maintaining certain distance per stroke in increasing stroke rate or in maintaining stage. It has been described above that the length of a swimmer having less drag is apparent with the longer distance per stroke also spent more time with their arms outstretched. This action will influence drag for a short period of time due to increase of the swimmer length. Furthermore, it is important to know that power is an important determinant in enhancement of swimming performance. There are two components of power which are the speed and force. Swimmer will not have the ability to produce as much force on water if they move their arms too quickly. It clearly shows the relationship between stroke rate and the optimal distance per stroke. 2.5 The Relationship of Power to Swim Performance Power is classified as one of five determinants of swimming performance, and the others are metabolism (power input), drag, propelling efficiency and gross efficiency (Toussaint 2002). Specifically, power can be defined as Power = Force x Velocity (Harman 2004). Many investigators have noted the importance of power that demonstrated a positive relationship between power and sprint swim performance (Bradshaw Hoyle, 2003). Christensen and smith (2007) reported that power measured is a significant contributor to swimming performance and that sprint speed that is related to stroking arm force. Sprint swimming performance influences by the ability to produce power in an efficient manner and utilization of power specifically in the swimming action. (Costill 2003). Costill (2005) later discover that improvements in swimming were found strongly related with power production, both in measures of power in the water and on land. Sharp (2006) suggested that the ability to produce power plays a positive role in swimming performance if swimmer undergo specific training that can increase power. The peak swimming power is significantly correlated with sprint swimming velocity (Boelk 2007). Powerful Swimmer is often faster (Malischo 2003). He suggested that swimming with specific training technique will increase power. These technique, are performing in short duration with high intensity bouts of swimming where the focus on producing the most powerful movement with the correct form. For some swimmers, power training may be beneficial and most important type of training (Bompa 1993). He concludes this by establishing a relationship between power and the importance of being able to maintain the increased power throughout the race. 2.5 Methods to Increase Power Plenty types of training that can be employed to improve power. Most of the swim coaches use specific swimming exercises, such as all-out sprints for a short distance to improve swimming power (Maglischo 2003). Other types of training that have shown increased power production include dry land exercises such as weight training and plyometric training (Bompa 1993). In contemporary swim training, the training program for competitive swimmers often includes dry land exercises. In comparison to the load during actual swimming these exercises should provide a greater resistance to the working muscles and hence increase maximal power output more effectively. However, as indicated earlier, the body adapts to adequately cope with the specific forms of exercise stress applied. This adaptive process is rather specific requiring for example that movement pattern during the strength training is similar to that during competitive swimming. It is known for quite some time that the movement patterns of the different swimming strokes are difficult to reproduce outside the water and thus any training effect may only partially, if at all, carry over to the competitive performance (Toussaint 2007) Propelling muscle is where the power output delivered by swimmer. In this propelling muscle, mechanical power are converted from the aerobic and anaerobic power input. (Toussaint and Beek 1992)
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Chechoslovakia And Hungary :: essays research papers
Why did both Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968 rebel against Soviet Domination? The causes for such a massive and all-captivating rebellion, which occurred both in Hungary (1956) and in Czechoslovakia (1968), originated most from deep-rooted antagonism towards Soviet domination in the Eastern Europe in the post-war era. A continuous political and cultural suppression by Soviet dictatorial policies, obviously linked with economic constraints, coalesced to provoke robust insurrections. Short-term reasons are of no less importance in the analysis of these events. In the case of Hungary, Khrushchev’s speech on the 20th Part Congress - which discredited Stalinist rule and encouraged a policy of diversion - played a significant role in the development of Hungarian resistance. While observing events in Czechoslovakia, the role of Dubcek’s government should be emphasized, since it was their new program, which raised a significant enthusiasm in Czechs, to aim for a neutral course. Â Â Â Â Â One of the main reasons for the initiation of a certain alienation process in Hungary was the brink of an economic catastrophe, to which Hungary was brought by its ex-premier Matyas Rakosi in the mid-1950’s. Since Hungarian economic developments mirrored those of the Soviet Union, Rakosi also made a strong emphasis on the build-up of Hungarian heavy industry at the expense of the rest of the economy. Likewise, Rakosi’s successor, Imre Nagy, was to pursue Malenkov’s ‘new course’, which aimed to divert the country’s resources to light industry and seize the imposed collectivization of agriculture. Â Â Â Â Â The economic relaxation led to a corresponding intellectual relaxation. Intellectuals began to discuss not only the nature of the changes in Hungarian communism, but also the value of a Communist system; society commenced debating on the possibility of achieving democracy in a Communist state. Nagy’s plans were cut short by the fall of his Soviet Protector, Malenkov, in February 1955. Rakosi seized the opportunity to regain leadership over both the state and the party, re-instituting a Stalinist hard line. Nagy gave in without a fight, perhaps because he expected Rakosi would fail in his attempt to re-impose ideological conformity. His intuition has not deceived him; hatred of Rakosi’s brutal and repressive regime which executed at least 2000 people and put 200,000 other in prisons and concentration camps was enormous. Masses were enraged by the falling living standards, while hated party leaders were comfortably off. However, Nagy could hardly have expected the shake-up in the Soviet block that was to result from Khrushchev’s denunciation of Stalin at the 20th Party Congress in February 1956.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Of Mice and Men and The Great Gatsby Analysis
John Steinbeck’s, Of Mice and Men, and F. Scott Fitzgerald’s, The Great Gatsby, share a theme of dehumanization. Dehumanization is portrayed through two opposite social classes, the wealthy and the working class, and the ways in which women are treated by men.Of Mice and Men is a novel about George and Lennie, two migrant farmers, who have been hired to work at a farm after being chased out of their last job. The Great Gatsby is concerned with its protagonist, Jay Gatsby, and his devotion to rising into the upper class to impress Daisy Buchanan who left him because he was poor.In the end, characters from both novels are either dehumanized due to their class or because of their gender. Throughout Of Mice and Men, the wealthy upper class dehumanizes the lower working class by manipulating and taking advantage of them.Curley's wife lives a life in luxury on the farm with no work and plenty of free time. She wanders around the farm claiming that she is looking for her husba nd, but in reality she is exerting her power over the workers. When Crooks, one of the workers, talks back to Curley's wife, she threatens, â€Å"I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain't even funny†(Steinbeck 79).Steinbeck emphasizes that she could not only have him falsely condemned, but doing so would be no trouble at all. Crooks then, â€Å"reduces himself to nothing†and replies, â€Å"Yes, ma'am†with a â€Å"toneless†voice because he knows that it is true. Steinbeck's diction further advocates the theme of dehumanization, particularly when he describes Crooks' voice as â€Å"toneless†.Crooks' monotonous response indicates that he has accepted his role as unimportant and voiceless. Instead of then walking away, Curley's wife continues to take advantage of his inferiority by â€Å"waiting for him to move so that she could whip at him again†.This short exchange demonstrates how the rich gain satisfaction from abusing the hel pless. Earlier in the story, George, Lennie, and Candy, another planter, decide to pool their savings together in order to purchase a farm and be their own bosses. At the end of their conversation, George wisely adds, â€Å"Don’t tell nobody about it, Jus’ us three an’ nobody else.They li’ble to can us so we can’t make no stake†(60), George understands that if their current boss discovered the plan they composed, he would take advantage of the high dependence they have on their next pay checks and fire them.The wealthy class will do whatever it takes to prevent the impoverished from becoming prosperous. On the other hand, in Of Mice of Men, Curley's wife can also be the victim of dehumanization rather than the oppressor. She is often portrayed as a metaphor for problems in the story because she is a woman.Steinbeck expresses this by purposely not giving her a name. Her only identifier is her marriage to Curley, whom she rarely talks to. Tha t identifier is a large reason for why George loathes her. When George and Lennie first meet Curley's wife, George refers to her as â€Å"poison†, a â€Å"piece of jail bait†, and a â€Å"rattrap†(32).He utilizes words that compare her to inanimate objects of disdain that give the sense that she is not a lady or even an actual person, but again a metaphor for problems. In addition, George commands Lennie to â€Å"let Curley take the rap†rather than ordering Lennie not to go after Curley's wife.George uses the word â€Å"let†because no one looks for trouble with Curley's wife, but some one has to tolerate her and that unfortunate soul, in George's eyes, should be Curley. Then when Lennie accidentally kills her, the main concern is not her, but how to keep Lennie from getting in trouble.Anything that is tied to Curley's wife can only mean danger. Similarly, The Great Gatsby contains multiple examples of the wealthy dehumanizing the poor. When Nick , the narrator, and Tom Buchanan, Daisy's husband, visit the valley of ashes to see Tom's mistress, Myrtle, they also encounter Myrtle's husband, George Wilson, a poor car mechanic.George inquires when Tom will be selling him a car with a tone of desperation in his voice. Tom, sensing this desperation, threatens to â€Å"sell it somewhere else after all†(Fitzgerald 25). George quickly tries to take it back but his voice fades off with submission.Fitzgerald effectively chooses the words â€Å"faded off†to characterize George's reply because like Crooks in Of Mice and Men, it supports the notion that some of the lower class workers recognize that arguing back with the upper class is useless.It is apparent that Tom enjoys dangling this sale over him because George is depending on it. Later in the novel when Nick and Daisy are visiting Gatsby's house, Gatsby calls his servant, Klipspringer, over to play them some music. When the servant walks in, Nick immediately notices that Gatsby had him change his attire to make him look more presentable for Daisy.Klipspringer explains that he was sleeping but Gatsby interrupts to ask him if he plays the piano and then interrupts him again when Mr. Klipspringer tries to admit that he is out of practice. Gatsby commands that he not â€Å"talk so much†and just play (95).Gatsby's request that he not â€Å"talk so much†connects back to the voiceless characteristic that Crooks in Of Mice and Men understands to pertain to himself. In this short conversation, Gatsby is attempting to help Klipspringer understand that this characteristic pertains to him as well by not allowing him to finish a single sentence.Much like Of Mice and Men, in The Great Gatsby women are dehumanized to unimportant and frequently ignored roles. When Gatsby and Tom Buchanan have their altercation on the subject of Daisy, she tries to add in her own opinion â€Å"with a visible effort†, crying out that she â€Å"won't stan d this! †and begs to leave (133).However, both of these remarks are completely ignored with no response from anyone. Fitzgerald emphasizes that Daisy is being ignored by having her cry out opinions â€Å"with a visible effort†and then following that with a response that makes it appear as if no one even hears her.Later in the novel, Wilson starts to go insane and treats Myrtle inhumanely. When his neighbor hears a loud disturbance coming from Wilson's house, Wilson calmly explains to him that it is just his â€Å"wife locked up there†(137).Wilson is treating her more like an animal than a human being. In the next sequence, Myrtle is hit by an oncoming car that ends her â€Å"tremendous vitality†. It is very ironic that in the end, Myrtle dies when she was so full of life, yet Daisy will continue her life as an insignificant and overlooked wife.In the passage illustrating her death, Fitzgerald forcefully uses pronouns to describe Myrtle's mangled body to suggest that â€Å"she†is just another poor girl from the valley of ashes whose death will create little impact on the world.In Of Mice and Men, Curley's wife finds it remarkably effortless to threaten the farmers because of their low position on the farm's hierarchy. However, it is just as easy for her to become the victim of dehumanization being that she is a woman. She is perceived less as a person and more as a metaphor for problems.Likewise, in The Great Gatsby, Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby express signs of disrespect for the working class, such as George Wilson and Mr. Klipspringer. Also, Myrtle and Daisy often find themselves continually treated inhumanely and seen as unimportant.John Steinbeck conveys the dehumanization of the lower class through manipulation, and the dehumanization of women by using Curley's wife as a literary device to prove a point. F. Scott Fitzgerald also uses manipulation as a tool to dehumanize the working class, and he dehumanizes the women b y frequently characterizing them as voiceless.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King Martin Luther King was an extremely inspirational Individual, a humanitarian, call rights activist In fact. He led the Montgomery Bus Boycott In 1955, helped CLC In 1957, helped to organism the March on Washington 1 963 in which he presented his ‘l Have a Dream' speech gaining his reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history. King, born son of Reverend Martin Luther King Sir. Spent most of his early life within church, singing amongst the choir in 1939.He attended Booker T. Washington High school, and then attended Morehouse College without officially graduating school. Then graduated from Crower Theological Seminary with a Bachelor of Totally degree 1951 furthermore, gaining his Doctor of Philosophy In 955, achieving an intelligent and large amount of qualifications which, within the time zone, was extremely unusual as segregation was large within America, specifically, the Deep South.King was one of many leaders yet, what made King so highl y respected and celebrated was his passion for change. King is mainly remembered due to his Inspirational speeches ‘l Have a Dream' for example, which he presented during the call rights march on 1963, Washington of August. In which, he gained respect and admiration from people of all races, being referred to as a ‘Moses' by his lieutenants, during his speech aimed for mainly African-Americans and their segregation, calling out with a nonviolent revolution.Kings admiration from many individuals was proven amongst his death, 1968, as the non-violent movement came to an immediate halt. Yet, not everyone agreed with King's tactics, Malcolm X for example, flying King's non-violent approach, stating that ‘If the man puts a hand on you- send him to the cemetery' Portraying that human self-defense should be remissive, many black individuals praised Malcolm X due to this and believed that a man of bravery should fight back, therefore winning his opponents respect.On the ot her hand, although many applauded Malcolm X for his opinion of self-defense, a larger quantity of black individuals favored King's approach portraying that his judgment and approaches were more successful and presented within a better light, creating positivist for change. Martin's many speeches create a ‘hair rising' upshot, touching our hearts and Imaginations, why?King simply used Imagery, as of which a writer would within his books to grab their reader, yet, King's persuasive imagery created a stir of emotional change, causing his listeners to create their perfect world in their heads , a desegregated America. This then resulted in why King's many followers, did follow him, his powerful, persuasive speeches along with his actions that backed up his many promises. One of which, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955, lasting 382 days In which King provided leadership for the demonstration.The NAACP, Women's Political Company and King drafted three demands for the bus company: sea ting is to be available on a first-come, first-serve axis, drivers have more respect towards black passengers and also, black drivers are hired. Almost 20,000 black individuals supported the MOB resulting in numerous buses driven with empty seats due to black people's usual need for bus transport to and from work, The bus company's refusal resulted In the organization of WA: promise as a leader from only twenty-six, King's leadership skills commenced and transformed from this.The Montgomery Bus Boycott eventually ended, resulting in a huge change within Montgomery and Kings life, creating positivist for change within lack communities and sparking Martin's lead to fame and admiration. Following on from this, during the Montgomery Bus Boycott, King had a religious epiphany in which, when praying aloud felt the sudden presence of God, describing this as a never before presence.King explained that this experience redirected him to the pathway of danger of the Boycott and further protest s, despite the threat that portrayed. Ghanaian on the other hand, was another major influence for King. Shindig's policy of non-violence within India; Kings Involvement in civil rights was therefore tryingly related to Protestant faith. The success of the Bus Boycott placed King as president of the CLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) in 1957, the ideals, Christianity yet the method of non-violence, Ghanaian.The assassination of Martin Luther King, 4th April 1968, was a shock to many, the recent killing of John F. Kennedy was as great a shock and King's assassination was the final straw. Depression and anger flooded the streets, black individuals protested once again, yet with violence. Molotov cocktails, bricks and guns were aimed towards anything that depicted white schism, once night drew, more than 100,000 black individuals created havoc and chaos across the country.The assassination of Martin Luther King destroyed the words he once spoke, ‘non-violence' Their fi ght for freedom and desegregation which was once a non-violent movement came crashing down perhaps to represent the life they had taken, the man which had persuaded the black community as well as many white individuals to come together, the man who made a change, the man who was widely known and favored was now gone. Martin Luther King, the man who changed the world. Word count: 852 Martin Luther King Alan Mason period 8 Martin Luther King v. Malcolm X Martin Luther King has been known for using peace to help him get equality among all people but especially African-Americans. He was not the type of leader that resorted to violence in order to get the equality that he fought for. King has been known for moving people by the use of his speeches like King's I Have a Dream and Vive Been to the Mountaintop speeches. King shows through these speeches that even though he was determined to get equal rights for every African-American, he as only going to stick to subtle, nonviolent ways like court cases, protest, and boycotts.This philosophy Is the exact opposite to Malcolm X, another Call Rights Leader, who thought that African American should not waste their time on protest and boycotts (Document 7). Malcolm, like King, was not In favor of violence but believe that African Americans should by all meaner use violence to protect themselves when they â€Å"attacked by racists†(Docum ent 9). But, Martin Luther King's philosophy was more beneficial for the African-American community then Malcolm Ax's because the effort that he put into his nonviolent philosophy made gaining rights more successful and more meaningful.Martin Luther King showed that he had the better philosophy compared to Malcolm X because of his stance on violence. One way King upheld his beliefs was through protest. King said in his Our God is Marching speech, â€Å"We are on the move now. The burning of our churches will not deter us. We are on the move now. The bombing of our homes will not dissuade us†(Document 4). So Protesters, including King himself were having their homes burned down for retesting for what they believe is right. In March of 1965 King and other protesters walked in order to raise awareness of the need for a Voting Right Act. This Act was passed later that year.But even though they achieved their goal for voting right does not mean that the protesters did not receive opposition for their actions. Mass arrest, police attacks, and state troopers blockading all occurred throughout the walk. If King chose to fight back then that could have either delayed getting the Voting Right Act approved, or it may have been felt that African-Americans did not deserve to get the Act approved. But King Just showed by obtaining from violence you can still get what you want. Martin Luther King showed that there were other ways to fight for what you want aside form fighting itself.King did this by using boycotts and strikes. He said, â€Å"There Is nothing quite so effective as refusal to cooperate economically with the forces and Institutions. †King realized that one of the ways he was going to get American to give them the rights that African-Americans wanted was by disrupting the flow of money that was going Into the Caucasian shops. This meaner by not buying from places that o not offer Jobs for African-Americans then those businesses would see how much they needed the African-American community, even If It meant having to hire African- American workers.Malcolm X did not agree with boycotts and strikes he said, â€Å"We have to learn how to own and operate the businesses of our community and develop to be involved in picketing and boycotting other people in other communities in order to get a Job†(Document 7). But this idea completely went against the philosophy of being together not separate. If this would have happened then the country would eave always been separate and things would have never been equal.Martin Luther king has been known for using his words instead of his fist when it comes to defending what he many thousands of others believed to be correct. King once said in his I Have a Dream speech that he had a dream that â€Å"former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood†¦ They will not be Judged by the color of their skin but by their charac ter†¦ We will be able to work together, pray together, to struggle together, to go o Jail together, to climb up for freedom together†(Document 2).King fought for African Americans rights by using his words. He told the people of his desires for and equal and fair life where people could live in harmony with each other and not be judged by their skin tone. He thought of a time where there would be no more separate but equal as were stated prior, people would be able to â€Å"work together†¦ And go to Jail together. †(Document 2) So by using his speeches where thousands of people came to listen to him talk, he moved a nation to be in favor of his reasoning's.In conclusion, Martin Luther Kings philosophy was more beneficial for the African- American community then Malcolm Ax's because the effort that he put into his nonviolent philosophy made gaining rights more successful and more meaningful. King kept up with his no violence idea by participating in other thi ngs that got America's attention like protest, boycotts and speeches. King striver to achieve equality and because of his hard efforts he has succeeded in more ways than one to help African-Americans get the same civil rights as Caucasian Americans. Martin Luther King I admire Martin Luther King Jr. ; his transformational leadership was and remains important throughout American History. He inspired thousands of people with his speeches. His famous speech â€Å"I Had a Dream†shows his leadership style, he was very effective in giving his message. Although many transformational leaders have been remembered in the past decades, Martin Luther King Jr. has created a legacy. If it wasn’t for his transformational leadership, our nation could be in a different mindset overall. He had a way to get people working together rather than fighting. He was quiet and listened slowly while others would speak. His visions developed easily with others to excite and convert followers. His example of a servant leadership is the most important lesson I feel he has left behind. Being a servant leader that offers not only inclusive vision, but listens carefully to others, persuades through reasons and helps while building the community. Believing in others was key to his success. Transformational leaders create visions that inspire and motivate others to strive for a goal in leading others. Martin Luther King was passionate about his visions and was committed to success no matter what he had to face. He was a preacher who believed when people were seeing what the color of your skin was; they were all equal in God’s eyes. One idea that Martin Luther King shared in his message was how freedom could be accomplished without violence. He preached racial equality and wanted a nonviolent world filled with peace. Martin Luther King had an effective way of speaking to people. Usually he spoke to large emotional crowds, encouraging peace. His self-confidence translated to courage. Dr. King had the ability to create and communicate his visions during his speech. His persuasion and demeanor made him an effective leader. He was able to motivate thousands of people who were in desperate need and angry people who acted violently. He changed their perspective and led them to non violent acts. He was direct and honest. He was a man of influence because he knew the existing conditions and focused on changing the culture. It was a challenge to work against angry people who resisted him because he wanted a change. Martin Luther King was successful though his followers, his example of being non-violent and living in peace led his followers to have the same vision and live it. He was able to shift an entre culture by using the transformational leadership style to effectively motivate change throughout the world. Martin Luther King demonstrated his role as a leader by showing how much he cared and putting needs of others first. His way of motivating others with his speech opened optimistic views for his followers. His leadership style reached many people’s lives and gave them an emotional connection, which led to more followers. His message wasn’t only what caught the follower’s attention, but his level of education qualified him to be a respected leader. Many African Americans at the time were not graduating high school, yet he had a PhD from a respected school named Boston University. As we’ve learned transformational leaders also show Individual consideration in the same way – â€Å"Leaders also mentor followers by teaching and sharing knowledge and skills in addition to showing emotional concern and support†. (Weiss, 2012). Martin Luther King also showed Individualized consideration to his followers, and it was well trusted by his followers. Martin Luther King Jr. included ethical standards to consistently attempt to â€Å"do the right thing’. Leaders using their vision to inspire and transform will show in their actions. He was known to practice the same leadership he preached. Martin Luther King always spoke about the hopes and aspirations of his followers. His actions appealed to peoples highest standards of ethics and morality which is where most of his decisions came from. Great leaders possess high ethical standards and set examples for their followers who do the right thing. Martin Luther King Martin Luther King Martin Luther King was an extremely inspirational Individual, a humanitarian, call rights activist In fact. He led the Montgomery Bus Boycott In 1955, helped CLC In 1957, helped to organism the March on Washington 1 963 in which he presented his ‘l Have a Dream' speech gaining his reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history. King, born son of Reverend Martin Luther King Sir. Spent most of his early life within church, singing amongst the choir in 1939.He attended Booker T. Washington High school, and then attended Morehouse College without officially graduating school. Then graduated from Crower Theological Seminary with a Bachelor of Totally degree 1951 furthermore, gaining his Doctor of Philosophy In 955, achieving an intelligent and large amount of qualifications which, within the time zone, was extremely unusual as segregation was large within America, specifically, the Deep South.King was one of many leaders yet, what made King so highl y respected and celebrated was his passion for change. King is mainly remembered due to his Inspirational speeches ‘l Have a Dream' for example, which he presented during the call rights march on 1963, Washington of August. In which, he gained respect and admiration from people of all races, being referred to as a ‘Moses' by his lieutenants, during his speech aimed for mainly African-Americans and their segregation, calling out with a nonviolent revolution.Kings admiration from many individuals was proven amongst his death, 1968, as the non-violent movement came to an immediate halt. Yet, not everyone agreed with King's tactics, Malcolm X for example, flying King's non-violent approach, stating that ‘If the man puts a hand on you- send him to the cemetery' Portraying that human self-defense should be remissive, many black individuals praised Malcolm X due to this and believed that a man of bravery should fight back, therefore winning his opponents respect.On the ot her hand, although many applauded Malcolm X for his opinion of self-defense, a larger quantity of black individuals favored King's approach portraying that his judgment and approaches were more successful and presented within a better light, creating positivist for change. Martin's many speeches create a ‘hair rising' upshot, touching our hearts and Imaginations, why?King simply used Imagery, as of which a writer would within his books to grab their reader, yet, King's persuasive imagery created a stir of emotional change, causing his listeners to create their perfect world in their heads , a desegregated America. This then resulted in why King's many followers, did follow him, his powerful, persuasive speeches along with his actions that backed up his many promises. One of which, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955, lasting 382 days In which King provided leadership for the demonstration.The NAACP, Women's Political Company and King drafted three demands for the bus company: sea ting is to be available on a first-come, first-serve axis, drivers have more respect towards black passengers and also, black drivers are hired. Almost 20,000 black individuals supported the MOB resulting in numerous buses driven with empty seats due to black people's usual need for bus transport to and from work, The bus company's refusal resulted In the organization of WA: promise as a leader from only twenty-six, King's leadership skills commenced and transformed from this.The Montgomery Bus Boycott eventually ended, resulting in a huge change within Montgomery and Kings life, creating positivist for change within lack communities and sparking Martin's lead to fame and admiration. Following on from this, during the Montgomery Bus Boycott, King had a religious epiphany in which, when praying aloud felt the sudden presence of God, describing this as a never before presence.King explained that this experience redirected him to the pathway of danger of the Boycott and further protest s, despite the threat that portrayed. Ghanaian on the other hand, was another major influence for King. Shindig's policy of non-violence within India; Kings Involvement in civil rights was therefore tryingly related to Protestant faith. The success of the Bus Boycott placed King as president of the CLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) in 1957, the ideals, Christianity yet the method of non-violence, Ghanaian.The assassination of Martin Luther King, 4th April 1968, was a shock to many, the recent killing of John F. Kennedy was as great a shock and King's assassination was the final straw. Depression and anger flooded the streets, black individuals protested once again, yet with violence. Molotov cocktails, bricks and guns were aimed towards anything that depicted white schism, once night drew, more than 100,000 black individuals created havoc and chaos across the country.The assassination of Martin Luther King destroyed the words he once spoke, ‘non-violence' Their fi ght for freedom and desegregation which was once a non-violent movement came crashing down perhaps to represent the life they had taken, the man which had persuaded the black community as well as many white individuals to come together, the man who made a change, the man who was widely known and favored was now gone. Martin Luther King, the man who changed the world. Word count: 852 Martin Luther King Martin Luther King Martin Luther King was an extremely inspirational Individual, a humanitarian, call rights activist In fact. He led the Montgomery Bus Boycott In 1955, helped CLC In 1957, helped to organism the March on Washington 1 963 in which he presented his ‘l Have a Dream' speech gaining his reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history. King, born son of Reverend Martin Luther King Sir. Spent most of his early life within church, singing amongst the choir in 1939.He attended Booker T. Washington High school, and then attended Morehouse College without officially graduating school. Then graduated from Crower Theological Seminary with a Bachelor of Totally degree 1951 furthermore, gaining his Doctor of Philosophy In 955, achieving an intelligent and large amount of qualifications which, within the time zone, was extremely unusual as segregation was large within America, specifically, the Deep South.King was one of many leaders yet, what made King so highl y respected and celebrated was his passion for change. King is mainly remembered due to his Inspirational speeches ‘l Have a Dream' for example, which he presented during the call rights march on 1963, Washington of August. In which, he gained respect and admiration from people of all races, being referred to as a ‘Moses' by his lieutenants, during his speech aimed for mainly African-Americans and their segregation, calling out with a nonviolent revolution.Kings admiration from many individuals was proven amongst his death, 1968, as the non-violent movement came to an immediate halt. Yet, not everyone agreed with King's tactics, Malcolm X for example, flying King's non-violent approach, stating that ‘If the man puts a hand on you- send him to the cemetery' Portraying that human self-defense should be remissive, many black individuals praised Malcolm X due to this and believed that a man of bravery should fight back, therefore winning his opponents respect.On the ot her hand, although many applauded Malcolm X for his opinion of self-defense, a larger quantity of black individuals favored King's approach portraying that his judgment and approaches were more successful and presented within a better light, creating positivist for change. Martin's many speeches create a ‘hair rising' upshot, touching our hearts and Imaginations, why?King simply used Imagery, as of which a writer would within his books to grab their reader, yet, King's persuasive imagery created a stir of emotional change, causing his listeners to create their perfect world in their heads , a desegregated America. This then resulted in why King's many followers, did follow him, his powerful, persuasive speeches along with his actions that backed up his many promises. One of which, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955, lasting 382 days In which King provided leadership for the demonstration.The NAACP, Women's Political Company and King drafted three demands for the bus company: sea ting is to be available on a first-come, first-serve axis, drivers have more respect towards black passengers and also, black drivers are hired. Almost 20,000 black individuals supported the MOB resulting in numerous buses driven with empty seats due to black people's usual need for bus transport to and from work, The bus company's refusal resulted In the organization of WA: promise as a leader from only twenty-six, King's leadership skills commenced and transformed from this.The Montgomery Bus Boycott eventually ended, resulting in a huge change within Montgomery and Kings life, creating positivist for change within lack communities and sparking Martin's lead to fame and admiration. Following on from this, during the Montgomery Bus Boycott, King had a religious epiphany in which, when praying aloud felt the sudden presence of God, describing this as a never before presence.King explained that this experience redirected him to the pathway of danger of the Boycott and further protest s, despite the threat that portrayed. Ghanaian on the other hand, was another major influence for King. Shindig's policy of non-violence within India; Kings Involvement in civil rights was therefore tryingly related to Protestant faith. The success of the Bus Boycott placed King as president of the CLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) in 1957, the ideals, Christianity yet the method of non-violence, Ghanaian.The assassination of Martin Luther King, 4th April 1968, was a shock to many, the recent killing of John F. Kennedy was as great a shock and King's assassination was the final straw. Depression and anger flooded the streets, black individuals protested once again, yet with violence. Molotov cocktails, bricks and guns were aimed towards anything that depicted white schism, once night drew, more than 100,000 black individuals created havoc and chaos across the country.The assassination of Martin Luther King destroyed the words he once spoke, ‘non-violence' Their fi ght for freedom and desegregation which was once a non-violent movement came crashing down perhaps to represent the life they had taken, the man which had persuaded the black community as well as many white individuals to come together, the man who made a change, the man who was widely known and favored was now gone. Martin Luther King, the man who changed the world. Word count: 852 Martin Luther King Alan Mason period 8 Martin Luther King v. Malcolm X Martin Luther King has been known for using peace to help him get equality among all people but especially African-Americans. He was not the type of leader that resorted to violence in order to get the equality that he fought for. King has been known for moving people by the use of his speeches like King's I Have a Dream and Vive Been to the Mountaintop speeches. King shows through these speeches that even though he was determined to get equal rights for every African-American, he as only going to stick to subtle, nonviolent ways like court cases, protest, and boycotts.This philosophy Is the exact opposite to Malcolm X, another Call Rights Leader, who thought that African American should not waste their time on protest and boycotts (Document 7). Malcolm, like King, was not In favor of violence but believe that African Americans should by all meaner use violence to protect themselves when they â€Å"attacked by racists†(Docum ent 9). But, Martin Luther King's philosophy was more beneficial for the African-American community then Malcolm Ax's because the effort that he put into his nonviolent philosophy made gaining rights more successful and more meaningful.Martin Luther King showed that he had the better philosophy compared to Malcolm X because of his stance on violence. One way King upheld his beliefs was through protest. King said in his Our God is Marching speech, â€Å"We are on the move now. The burning of our churches will not deter us. We are on the move now. The bombing of our homes will not dissuade us†(Document 4). So Protesters, including King himself were having their homes burned down for retesting for what they believe is right. In March of 1965 King and other protesters walked in order to raise awareness of the need for a Voting Right Act. This Act was passed later that year.But even though they achieved their goal for voting right does not mean that the protesters did not receive opposition for their actions. Mass arrest, police attacks, and state troopers blockading all occurred throughout the walk. If King chose to fight back then that could have either delayed getting the Voting Right Act approved, or it may have been felt that African-Americans did not deserve to get the Act approved. But King Just showed by obtaining from violence you can still get what you want. Martin Luther King showed that there were other ways to fight for what you want aside form fighting itself.King did this by using boycotts and strikes. He said, â€Å"There Is nothing quite so effective as refusal to cooperate economically with the forces and Institutions. †King realized that one of the ways he was going to get American to give them the rights that African-Americans wanted was by disrupting the flow of money that was going Into the Caucasian shops. This meaner by not buying from places that o not offer Jobs for African-Americans then those businesses would see how much they needed the African-American community, even If It meant having to hire African- American workers.Malcolm X did not agree with boycotts and strikes he said, â€Å"We have to learn how to own and operate the businesses of our community and develop to be involved in picketing and boycotting other people in other communities in order to get a Job†(Document 7). But this idea completely went against the philosophy of being together not separate. If this would have happened then the country would eave always been separate and things would have never been equal.Martin Luther king has been known for using his words instead of his fist when it comes to defending what he many thousands of others believed to be correct. King once said in his I Have a Dream speech that he had a dream that â€Å"former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood†¦ They will not be Judged by the color of their skin but by their charac ter†¦ We will be able to work together, pray together, to struggle together, to go o Jail together, to climb up for freedom together†(Document 2).King fought for African Americans rights by using his words. He told the people of his desires for and equal and fair life where people could live in harmony with each other and not be judged by their skin tone. He thought of a time where there would be no more separate but equal as were stated prior, people would be able to â€Å"work together†¦ And go to Jail together. †(Document 2) So by using his speeches where thousands of people came to listen to him talk, he moved a nation to be in favor of his reasoning's.In conclusion, Martin Luther Kings philosophy was more beneficial for the African- American community then Malcolm Ax's because the effort that he put into his nonviolent philosophy made gaining rights more successful and more meaningful. King kept up with his no violence idea by participating in other thi ngs that got America's attention like protest, boycotts and speeches. King striver to achieve equality and because of his hard efforts he has succeeded in more ways than one to help African-Americans get the same civil rights as Caucasian Americans.
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